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Homeworld for House Atreides before the move to Arrakis. A luscious water-rich world. A
benevolent Atreides government makes this planet a jewel of the galaxy.
Giedi Prime
The Geidi system is the homeworld of House Harkonnen. Once a lush, forested planet, years of
ruthless Harkonnen rule have devistated the eco-system of Geidi Prime, polluting her oceans, and
atmosphere. Global-warming caused by the pollution has melted most of her ice-caps. This raised
the ocean level several feet; coastal devistation was extrodinary. Acid rain, disease, and natural
disasters (floods, droughts, hurricanes) now plague the planet. Rich in industrial metals, Geidi
Prime is still a center for industry. Her rulers, seemingly without a care to the devistation they are
working, have turned -- with ever increasing frequency -- to extravagent gladiatorial entertainment
to appease the masses of starving people and retain order.
A colonization project on the arctic planet, Geidi Secondus has met with much success. A cold,
harsh environment has slowed growth, but the ruthless Harkonnen fist has begun to make its mark
on this planet as well.
Geidi Prime
Planet Type: Earthlike Axial Tilt: 26 degrees
Diameter: 8850 miles Seasonal Variation: Moderate
Gravity: 1.16 G Length of Day: 28.4 hours
Density: 5.73 g/cm3 Length of Year: 261 days
Composition: Medium-Iron
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.12 atm (Standard) Climate:
Atmospheric Composition: Temperature at 30 deg. Latitude:
Nitrogen: 77.32% Low: 70 F
Oxygen: 19.89% Average: 90 F
Other Gasses: 2.79% High: 120 F
Surface Water: 52%
Primary Terrain: Plains and Hills; some Humidity: 75%
volcanic activity
Mineral Resources: Randi: Dia: 650 m, Dens: 3.85,
Gem/Crystal: uncommon .0573 G, No atmosphere
Rare Minerals: scarce Mardan: Dia: 850 m, Dens: 3.62,
Radioactives: ample .0704 G, No atmosphere
Heavy Metals: ample
Industrial Metals: common Biosphere:
Light Metals: plentiful Dominant Life form: Humans
Organics: plentiful
Homeworld of House Harkonnen
Trammel (Class V), Lothar (Class IV), several Class I, II, and III facilities scattered
throughout the inhabited region, most likely several Class III and lesser ports run by
smugglers in remote areas.
Geidi Secondus
Planet Type: Desert/Cold Axial Tilt: 33 degrees
Diameter: 6940 miles Seasonal Variation: High
Gravity: .849 G Length of Day: 36.3 hours
Density: 5.34 g/cm3 Length of Year: 290 days
Composition: Medium-Iron
Atmospheric Pressure: .632 atm (Standard) Climate:
Atmospheric Composition: Temperature at 30 deg. Latitude:
Nitrogen: 79.82% Low: 0 F
Oxygen: 14.89% Average: 25F
Argon: 3.24% High: 50 F
Other Gasses: 2.79% Surface Water: 67% (90% is frozen
in polar caps)
Primary Terrain: Icy/Barren with many Humidity: 75%
mountainous regions; some volcanic
activity. Moons: None
Mineral Resources:
Gem/Crystal: uncommon Biosphere:
Rare Minerals: scarce Dominant Life form: Humans
Radioactives: ample
Heavy Metals: ample
Industrial Metals: common
Light Metals: plentiful
Organics: plentiful
Civilizations: Population PR Tech Level Control
Geidi Prime 11.1 billion 10 TL9 (shields) 5
Geidi Secondus 120 million 8 TL9 ( shields) 3
Total 11.2 billion 10
System Information:
Star Name: Deigi
Type: G3 V
Biozone: 0.8-1.2
Stellar Mass: 1.2
Inner Limit: none
Number of Planets: 8
Planet Orbit/Dist Type Diam. Dens. Grav. Atmo.
Fri .50 Greenhouse 4330 6.43 .638
Geidi Prime .85 Earthlike 850 5.73 1.16 Pltd.
Secondus 1.20 Desert/Cold 6 940 5.34 .849 Thin
Hrandi 1.90 Small Gas Giant 29170 2.24 1.50
Tardoz 3.30 Icy Rockball 2610 6.65 .397 Trace
Rak-ti 6.10 Medium Gas Giant 5 8060 2.32 3.08
Jailin 11.70 Medium Gas Giant 67110 0.87 1.34 S.
Dense H2
Leidi 22.30 Medium Gas Giant 41210 1.43 1.35 S.
Dense H2
Fri possesses one moonlet. Hrandi possesses 13 moonlets, 4 small moons, 4 medium moons and 1
large moon. Rak-ti possesses 9 moonlets, 7 small moons, 4 medium moons, 1 large moon, and one
giant moon; one of the medium moons is captured and orbits at an incline. Jalin possesses a
spectacular ring system, 11 moonlets, 6 small moons, 6 medium moons, and 1 large moon. Leidi
possesses a faint ring system, 12 moonlets, 7 small moons, 6 medium moons and 3 large moons.
Technological world. The most complex computers, and many `normal' TL9-12 items might be
here, but it is closely guarded secret and not generally known -- and when known, not generally
Salusa Secundus
The Corrino Empire's prison planet and breeding ground for elite combat troops. The traditional
source for the Sardaukar. This desolate planet is rivaled only by Arrakis for its harsh climate.
The name traditionally used for what may be one or more planets or star systems; the sanctuary
planet for defeated Houses Major and Minor under the terms of the Great Convention; also, the
secret support base of the Spacing Guild.
Wallach IX
The homeworld of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood. A pleasant Earth-like forest world, tranquile and
Shai-Hulud (Great Sandworm)
ST: 3000-10000+ Speed/Dodge: 22/0 Size: 220 - 3500
DX: 3 PD/DR: 6/50-1000+ Weight (in tons): 25,000 -1.6 million
IQ: 4 Damage: * Habitat: D
HT: 18/100-1000+ (per segment) Reach: C
A creature unique to the pre-Leto II era of the planet Arrakis. Attempts to establish the worm in
other areas of the galaxy have met with only limited success. The completed life cycle has not been
observed in any of the off-planet experiments.
Larger male specimens reach lengths exceeding 400 meters, and are close to 100 meters at the
widest point. The smaller female measure approximately 100 by 20 meters. The throat of the male [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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