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hand reached between her legs, this time his fingers entering and becoming
moist with her juices. It was Jennet's turn to groan and she arched her neck
in a delirium, the feel of his strong fingers inside her wonderful. The tips
of her own fingers dug into his back as she pulled him over on top of her, and
then he was guiding himself into her, both of them murmuring each other's name
and giving out small moans.
Although she was small in stature, his entry was easy and smooth, as though
their body parts had been made for each other's, measured and apportioned by
whomever planned such things - a silly notion that ran through Thom's head as
he thrust so deeply and so effortlessly. She tensed beneath him, then relaxed
with a pleased sigh. His hand found her breast and his mouth quickly followed,
his back arched, their stomachs apart for a moment as she pulled at his neck,
forcing his head down on her. His tongue smothered the nipple there, wetting
it, making it grow hard, and when he withdrew his lips he blew air on to the
moistened tip so that it swelled, grew even more proud of the fleshly little
mound. Thom nuzzled his way over to the other breast to repeat the act and her
hips writhed beneath his as she moaned and sighed and gave out small gasps as
though she were short of air.
Resting his belly on hers again, Thom moved with her rhythm, the thrusts
sometimes long, sometimes shallow, and her hips moved sometimes with him,
other times against. Her hands were never still, palms gliding over his back
constantly before moving to his buttocks, the backs of his
thighs, pulling at him, pressing his flesh, urging deeper entry, then pushing
him back, but never too far, never allowing him to leave her completely.
They kissed, and he had to bend his neck for their lips to meet, his hands at
her waist, his knee digging into the soft earth; the kiss was emotional for
both of them, not just affected by their mutual passion, although, in truth,
that was part of it. Thom had never loved another before, not in this way.
Certainly there had been girlfriends, lovers, but while his affection had
always been sincere, he had never been in love with any of them. Now this.
Falling fast, even instinctively, with someone who was from another realm. An
undine she called herself. As was his mother, Bethan. How could it be true?
Yet he knew, he just knew, that it was. And he gave himself up to it.
Jennet was whispering his name in between kisses, imploring him for more, for
all he had to give her, and he was not about to deny her. He lunged into her,
drew back, lunged again, and suddenly had no concern about anything: just
being with her, inside her like this, was so intoxicating that stamina was no
longer a problem and neither were questions about her very existence. It was
... it was ... magical. It was magical and for a moment he could not be sure
if it was because of the circumstances, the forest environment, her elfin
beauty, her uniqueness, or if it was because of love, genuine, startling,
newfound love. He quickly realized it was for all these reasons, but it was
what he felt in his heart - no, he chided himself, remembering her words, in
his soul - that prevailed above all others. As he plunged even deeper into
her, into this mystical girl who had taken on human or part-human form for him
alone, he felt his whole being sink with his body, as though her physical
opening was the entrance to her realm.
And that was when the magic really began.
He was aware of his own presence there in the forest glade, aware of his own
skin as it were, but part of him had
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left, perhaps his persona, had travelled further than his intellect had ever
before travelled, even in sleep, even in his near-death experience a few
months earlier. This was a path journeyed by invitation only, for it took him
into dimensions where even dreams did not belong. He was among stars and
planets, a universe of white whose constellations glittered all colours and
shades, many of those shinings surely never witnessed by mortal man before.
Gases hung like gauze or sheer lace - except they were millions of miles in
length -swirling among the stars in incredible ever-shifting patterns. There
were other smaller shapes in the whiteness, gossamer forms that he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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