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Regulation 7; Incineration of ship-generated wastes on board ships
A. Definition
For the purpose of this Regulation "incineration of ship-generated wastes on board
ships" means the deliberate combustion of ship-generated wastes, incidental to the
normal operation of ships, for the purpose of thermal destruction of such wastes.
B. Prohibition
The Contracting Parties shall prohibit any incineration of ship-generated wastes on
board ships, irrespective of their nationality, operating in their territorial seas.
Regulation 8; Improved hydrographic services and promotion of the use of
Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
1. The Contracting Parties:
a) shall develop a scheme for systematic re-surveying of major shipping routes and
ports in order to ensure that safety of navigation is not endangered by inadequate
source information. The survey shall be carried out to a standard not inferior to
the latest edition of IHO S-44. The scheme shall be elaborated jointly by the
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Helsinki Convention
Annex IV
hydrographic services responsible for the areas in question not later than by the
end of 2002 with the aim to begin implementation by 2003.
b) shall develop Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC):
i) for major shipping routes and ports by the end of 2002. Major shipping
routes and ports shall be selected on the basis of volumes of dangerous
goods and number of passengers; and
ii) for secondary shipping routes and ports by the end of 2004.
2. The Contracting Parties:
a) shall accept Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) as
equivalent to paper charts in accordance with Chapter V of SOLAS;
b) undertake to enter into negotiations with shippers and recipients in their States,
who are involved in transport of goods to and from ports in the Baltic Sea Area,
with the aim that the commercial parties (e.g. national shippers and receivers)
make arrangements to the effect that:
- ships with a draft of 11 metres or more, oil tankers with a draft of 7 metres
or more, chemical tankers and gas carriers irrespective of size and ships
carrying a shipment of INF cargo carry ECDIS;
c) shall by the end of the year 2002 as a matter of particular interest ensure that
port State control of paper charts is intensified on board ships with a draught of
11 metres or more, oil tankers with a draft of 7 metres or more, chemical tankers
and gas carriers irrespective of size and ships carrying a shipment of INF cargo.
Regulation 9; Use of Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)
The Contracting Parties:
a) shall establish national, land-based monitoring systems for ships, based on AIS
signals. A full monitoring of the Baltic Sea Area within A1 sea area shall take
place not later than 1 July 2005;
b) shall establish a common Baltic Sea monitoring system based on - and with
access to - all national Baltic AIS monitoring systems; and
c) shall elaborate reliable statistics on ships traffic in the Baltic Sea Area to assess
the need for further additional measures to improve the safety of navigation and the
emergency capacity. These statistics shall be elaborated on the basis of specified
and conformed national AIS data.
Regulation 10; Port State control
The Contracting Parties shall carry out port State control on the basis of either the 1982 Paris
Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control or the Council Directive 95/21/EC of
19 June 1995, as amended, concerning the enforcement, in respect of shipping using
Community ports and sailing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Member States, of
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Annex IV
international standards for ship safety, pollution prevention and shipboard living and working
conditions (port State control).
Regulation 11; Promotion of a safety and environmental culture through the
establishment of a common procedure for the investigations into
marine casualties
The Contracting Parties:
a) shall identify major non conformities under the ISM Code when investigating any safety
or environment related occurrences on board a ship and marine casualties, distribute
the findings to the maritime industry via IMO with the aim to improve safety
management systems applied and act accordingly with respect to the possible
withdrawal of the Document of Compliance or the Safety Management Certificate; and
b) shall make use of the IMO Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and
Incidents with a view to co-operating if involved as flag State or other substantially
interested State and to exchange, within the legal framework of data protection, the
data of the voyage data recorders of involved ships under their flag.
Regulation 12; Places of refuge
The Contracting Parties:
a) shall, following-up the work of EC and IMO, draw up plans to accommodate, in the
waters under their jurisdiction, ships in distress in order to ensure that ships in distress
may immediately go to a place of refuge subject to authorisation by the competent
authority; and
b) shall exchange details on plans for accommodating ships in distress.
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Annex V
Annex V
Exemptions from the general prohibition of dumping of
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