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the Called. In the secret teachings of Valentinus those who enter the Path of the Dove are
known as Psychics, while those who follow the secret Path of the Serpent are known as Pneu-
The Path of the Dove has seven stages. These seven stages illustrate the process of the Terres-
trial path, after the Gnostic has worked through these stages he can rightly be called a Child of
the Treasury of Light. At this point, depending on his destiny, he will reincarnate and teach and
assist others or he will enter the Celestial or Secret Path. The destiny of those who remain as
Children of the Dove is to be reborn as Immortal beings living on the restored Light world
which will be the replacement for Earth. The Earth will be rectified and return to the Static
Kingdom and will exist in a dimension of Light populated by those of the Terrestrial Path of
The Mysteries
.....and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for
ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.
Ephesians 3:9
The Word of God is now God as He had been man, in order to deify mankind to-
gether with himself.
Demonstratio Evangelica IV:14
The Mysteries are a special teaching which is not covered in most Biblical studies. It is the final
secret teaching revealed by Christ (after his ascension) to St.Paul and then onto the other Apos-
tles. The teaching was the last stage of the continuing development of the spiritual System
given by Jesus. The Mysteries are described in a range of New Testament books as the Mystery
(Ephesians 3:3), The Mystery of Christ (Ephesians 3:4), The Great Mystery (Ephesians 5:32),
The Administration of the Mystery (Ephesians 3;9) and in many other verses. This teaching was
The Gnostic Handbook Page 92
an esoteric Gnosis which was not available until its revealing after the death of Jesus. This
teaching was a special wisdom for a certain class of initiate. The Divine Will would call certain
people from the Path of Terrestrial Salvation to enter a new way, that of Celestial Deification.
And that is the nexus of this new specialized teaching, that some of the initiates would be
called to become Part of the God Family, in other worlds, Gods themselves ! This special Path
is known as the Celestial Path, the Path of the Serpent of Wisdom or The Path of the Chosen
Ones. Initiates on this Path were known in some traditions as Parfait or Perfected Ones. This
Secret teaching has been known to the Orthodox Churches for some time but has been taught in
radically divergent fashion.
Gods essence is inaccessible. His uncreated and eternal energies (Glory, Light,
Love) permeate the universe and make possible a personal union with man. In its
worship the Church offers thanksgiving that God has opened the way for man to
come to him and has made union with him possible.
This is the Orthodox Churches' teaching of the deification (theosis) of man, a
doctrine based on the Incarnation, which revealed a new perfect humanity.....This
union is the goal of prayer and participation in the Sacraments, it involves the co-
operation of two wills, divine and human. In this union with God human beings
become " partakers of the divine nature " (II Peter 1:4) without ceasing to be
creatures. Other New Testament writers expressed this union in terms of being or
dwelling in Christ.
The fathers of the Church as well as modern theologians recognised that deifica-
tion as the goal of Christian life lies at the base of every important theological
controversy in the history of the Orthodox Churches.
Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions,
Page 553.
In simple terms the Divine Will will call certain Gnostics on the Path of Transfiguration onto a
special road. These will be few in number and the demands on them will be ever so great. Their
first task will be the mastery of the Terrestrial Path, however, then rather than reincarnating
simply to teach and assist, they will achieve perfection while doing the special tasks required by
The Lord of Wisdom. Some of these Perfect Ones will achieve some measure of perfection in
the flesh and become emissaries of the divine in their lifetimes.
The Mysteries are very different from the more traditional Gnostic paths for they include no
moral or ethical restrictions, for as a man becomes part of God, he will act as the voice of God
directs. These Perfected Ones or Parfait as the Cathars called them, are few and far between. As
it is all too easy for a man to claim immortality and perfection, it is another thing to actually [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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