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There was no give to it as there was to Gaelen s flesh, even when it was
thoroughly engorged and she had thought his man root was as hard as rock.
This felt like rock in truth. Panicking, she forgot what Gaelen had told her and
tried to struggle, but they merely held her more tightly and drove her downwards with
less regard for her body s resistance. She uttered a cry midway between a gasp and a
scream as they impaled her on it, expecting any moment to feel her body tearing apart, to
feel pain. Instead, after a few mindless moments she realized that neither had happened
and her panic subsided. She felt stretched almost to the point of pain, but no real pain,
only discomfort.
She d just begun to relax fractionally when she felt the hands on her legs again.
Grasping them, they pulled them out from under her, straightening them so that her own
weight bore her down heavily on the shaft. Her heart skipped several beats as she sank
more fully upon the rod, felt it pressing against her womb. The hands moved to her
ankles and she felt the coldness of metal clamping around them.
They withdrew, leaving her to sway dizzily, disoriented by the blindfold and off
balance. Slowly, the tightness of the muscles along her passage began to ease, but that
only allowed the shaft deeper penetration until she began to pant with the discomfort and
the fear she refused to acknowledge that it might be plunged deeper still.
A hot mouth covered one nipple. She jumped at the unexpected heat of it and the
fierceness of the assault, which was almost as painful as it was pleasurable. Despite that,
heat blossomed in her belly and moisture gathered round the shaft. A second mouth
covered her other nipple, suckling and nipping at it with sharp teeth so that pain and
pleasure alternately rippled through her.
Her breath sawed in and out of her chest raggedly. She swayed for many
moments between fear, pleasure and pain, but the incessant tugging at her sensitive
nipples began to overwhelm fear and discomfort. Dizziness washed over her as the heat
of carnal need enveloped her. Her body clenched and relaxed rhythmically around the
shaft until she began to gasp and moan with pleasure.
Abruptly, the shaft began to move downward, sliding along her passage, and then
upward again, swiftly impaling her. She gasped, swaying, and teeth clamped over her
nipples, bearing down just enough to be threatening, to hold her in place. She went still,
held herself upright with an effort as the shaft began to pump into her at a frantic pace,
jarringly, but driving her so quickly toward release that it caught her unaware as it
pounded through her so hard she thought her heart would explode.
The thrusting continued unabated, driving her body to convulse on and on until
she feared she would black out, until her gasps became hoarse screams. Abruptly, the
shaft began to jerk and spasm and spew hot seed into her, demolishing the thought that it
was not flesh at all.
Her knees gave way when the pleasure wracking her body began to dissipate at
last. She came down painfully on the shaft, which she could not tell had diminished in
any way. After a brief moment of respite, the thrusting began again. She groaned, but
the incessant tugging on her breasts and the stroking along her passage awoke her body
once more and the tension began to build in her rapidly again.
When it burst over her the second time, she screamed at the intensity of it,
gasping, almost weeping at the hard jerks ripping through her.
Darkness swarmed over her like ants in a stirred anthill, her flesh stinging,
twitching. It was woefully brief. It seemed to her that it was not more than a blink and
then she woke to a relentless tugging and nibbling at her nipples that forced her body to
stir to life, that poured heat through her body into her belly where the tension began to
wind again even before the huge cock began pumping into her insistently, with an
unyielding determination to wring every ounce of pleasure from her body.
Dazed by the powerful expulsions of passion she d already experienced, her
senses were sluggish to respond and that only seemed to inspire the beasts to a more
ferocious assault. The tempo increased until she reached the point of no return a third
time and the convulsions of rapture ripped through her again, tearing hoarse cries from
her until the waves ceased to pound through her.
The darkness that swept over her that time seemed more profound. Again she
was roused by the tugging at her nipples, but she was so exhausted she merely groaned,
her head slumped forward on her shoulders. She wasn t even certain of whether the
tugging was from the mouths that seemed to have tormented her forever, or if the tug was
from the chains as she wavered back and forth, trying to maintain her balance. Doubt
was removed when the tugging failed to yield the expected response and teeth bit into her
hard enough to pierce the fog, tearing a hoarse cry from her.
Apparently even that was not response enough, for a mouth, or what felt like a
mouth, latched onto her clit and began to tug on it with a ferocity that shot fire through
her. The engorged member that no number of releases seemed to diminish began to drive
into her almost frenziedly at the same moment. She had been certain moments before
that no amount of stimulation could force her body to culminate again, and yet, with a
sense of dread, she felt it tightening inside of her within moments, felt the jarring,
excruciating waves of exquisite sensation tearing through her again until, thankfully, she
knew nothing at all.
She had thought that Gaelen had pushed her in the days she had spent with him,
learning the way that she would have to pleasure the demons of the Labyrinth. She
found, though, that he had been indeed gentle, had coaxed far more than demanded,
certainly in comparison to the others. Even her exhaustion did not deter them, for they
only prodded her harder until the culminations themselves were almost torture as they
wracked her over and over again. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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