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had to bend his head to hear her.  I m a little tired and I have a feeling tomorrow is going
to be a long day.
 What gives you that idea?
 Because when is it not a long day when you re around? She sighed.  Ever since
I ve met you it feels as though time has crept by.
He chuckled.  You aren t the first person to ever tell me that.
 Mostly because my duty is long and drawn-out. He turned solemn. It was part of
the reason why he d been bound to Eternity way back in the day. Unlike other gods
who d had multiple duties, both of theirs were dedicated to one aspect of mortality. Both
were tedious and required a great deal of personal fortitude. He shoved the thoughts of
his mate away.  Not only do I release the souls appearing on my lists, but then I have a
mountain of paperwork to fill out. Death registries, the log of souls and their final
 Where do you think I ll finally end up?
 I thought you didn t believe in life after death.
 I don t know what to think anymore.
 Let me just put it this way. Niko tugged sharply on Morpheus s mane when the
Pegasus snorted.  The afterlife is what you make of it.
Again the conversation broke down. He sensed that she was genuinely curious, but
she wasn t willing to get into a heavy theological discussion with him. Glad for that, he
directed Morpheus toward Strange Hollow.  Are you sure you wouldn t like to visit New
York City or Paris?
 Maybe tomorrow. She leaned her head against his chest and snuggled against his
A clog of emotion formed in his throat. Tomorrow. My last day in Strange Hollow.
Your last day of life.  Would you mind if we took a short detour? Torturing himself
wouldn t make this easier on either of them. The plan was to get Lyra to live a little. If
that required him showing her a place no mortal saw before they died, then so be it.  We
won t be there long.
She shrugged.  Sure.
 Morpheus, take us to the closest Ethereal Gate. He knew exactly where he was
going to take her. The place he went to when the stress of his duty made him nuts and the
one he d shown her in her mind s eye when he was performing his preferred type of
foreplay. The Goddess Falls located in the Third Realm.
 Are you sure? Morpheus asked.
 Yes. He knew he was taking a risk for bringing a mortal to the Third Realm before
her death. Hell, he was burning a proverbial candle at both ends considering he d already
broken the rules and was yet to complete his mission.
 At once, Thanatose.
Beneath Niko s legs, Morpheus s powerful muscles worked. Streamers of sleep sand
fell from the Pegasus s hooves.
 Hold on, Lyra.
 Do I have a choice?
 No. He chuckled. They broke through the thin part of the barrier separating the
temporal plane from the ethereal one. Slicing through the bright light leading them to the
Third Realm, Niko groaned when Lyra dug her fingernails into the skin of his chest. He
remembered her raking her nails down his back when they d had sex. His cock hardened.
Damn, he wanted her, and not just for the next twenty-four hours but forever. Let off,
he ordered himself. There s nothing good that can come from wishing for a miracle. A
miracle? He was shooting low. To save Lyra from death would take divine intervention.
 It s beautiful here.
Her voice drew him from his macabre musings. He breathed deeply of the clean air
and listened to the sound of the waterfall rushing. Peeking through the veil of his lashes,
he watched the pocket watch suspended in thin air turn slowly on its axis. He lifted Lyra
off his lap once Morpheus s hooves had hit the ground.  This was my last mate s grotto.
She d come here to sit and think about the direction of time.
 Morpheus told me you were married before. Lyra waited for him to dismount.
 I m sorry.
 About? He frowned at her. Removing his gloves, he reverted to his mortal form.
He felt the pall of death release him from its cold grip.
Lyra patted the Pegasus s side.  He said she wasn t around anymore.
 She s always with me, Niko contradicted. It was true too. Eternity was never far
from him even though she resided on another plane of existence.  She lives in my
thoughts and my memories of the time we shared before Ragnarok.
 It must be nice& 
 What? he asked when her words trailed off and she turned to stare at the waterfall.
 To have loved someone so deeply that you think about them often.
 Eternity and I had a special relationship. He brushed his knuckles down the side of
Lyra s cheek.  Morpheus, if you d give us a few minutes. Holding out his hand to her,
he waited to see if she would take it.  We were very good friends.
 Morpheus said she might be paying penance in Hell.
Reading only sadness in her thoughts, Niko exhaled slowly.  She s not. Niko
walked with her along the banks of the pool. He tilted his eyes to the sky.  If you look
really hard, you can see the Ethereal Gate that leads to her plane of existence. He
pointed at the distant bright spot.  The Gate, like all the others leading up and through the
remaining levels of Heaven are closed to everybody who resides in the Third Realm.
 Why? she asked.  I mean, you don t have to answer me if you don t want to.
It was a long and somewhat complicated explanation so Niko decided to keep it
simple.  Let s just say this is the ancients slice of heaven and leave it at that for the time
being. It was a disgustingly cowardly out, but he wasn t ready to tell her that she was
going to be released from her mortal body soon. Too soon.
 It s nice here. Her smile didn t quite reach her eyes.  You brought me here before.
 Yes. His cock hardened more when she peeked at him. Coming around her, he
cupped her head in his hands and lowered his lips.  Did you like what I was doing to you
in the dream?
 Very much, she whispered against his lips.  Care to go for a dip?
 Would you?
 I d love to. I ve never& 
 Your wish is my command, he muttered before he took her mouth in a soul-searing
kiss. He snapped his fingers and their clothes disappeared. Molding her curves to his, he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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