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giving me to cover. I m learning a lot.
Her smile softened.  That s what it s all about, Lew. Experience is the best teacher. I m
glad to have you on the staff.
She was afraid he was going to rush over and hug her at the compliment. Thankfully,
her phone rang just at that moment. She waved him away before she answered it.
 Jinx Malone.
 My, aren t we official-sounding. Amy Montgomery s voice was tinged with
 You bet. Jinx leaned back in her chair.  Just call me madam publisher.
 Well, madam publisher, I just called to see how things are going with sheriff hottie.
Heat crept up her cheeks and her hand tightened on the receiver.  What do you mean?
Nothing s going, as you put it.
 Uh-huh. Buck said he saw the two of you having lunch together. And last night Matt
happened to be passing your house to drop something off to one of your neighbors and
he saw Dillon s car parked in the driveway.
Note to self: have Dillon park in the garage.
 We were discussing the big story, she told her friend.  He was bringing me up to
 Is that what they call it? Amy laughed.  Don t get me wrong, Jinx. I think it s great if
there s something going on between the two of you. You deserve it after that rat fink
Max. So does Dillon.
Jinx tried to keep her tone level.  What does that mean? I know he got shot during his
last arrest. Did he have another problem? Another reason why he left San Antonio? 
On the other end of the line, Amy was silent for a long moment.  It s really not my
story to tell, but I ll say this much. He was involved with a reporter in San Antonio and
everything the case and the relationship went to shit at the same time. If you want to
know how she was tangled up in it you ll have to ask him.
Jinx picked up a pen from her desk and fiddled with it.
 A reporter? Maybe whatever happened was why he felt the way he did about the
press.  Just out of curiosity, do you know who it was? I thought the crime reporters for
the San Antonio paper were all men.
 Uh, this was a television reporter. Naomi Richardson. She didn t start until long after
you were gone.
 I know her. A funny feeling settled in her stomach.  She started at one of the New
York stations before I came back here. Did she blow him off for the Big Apple?
 Something like that. Amy s tone was noncommittal.  Like I said, anything else you
want to know you ll have to ask him.
 None of my business. We re just professional acquaintances.
Amy laughed.  Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then her voice sobered.  I just don t want to see
either of you hurt again. You and I have been friends for a long time and I ve really
gotten to like Dillon in the short time I ve known him.
 Nothing to worry about, Jinx assured her.  But thanks for your concern.
 So how about lunch tomorrow? I ll bring Reenie and we can share some girl talk.
The offer was really tempting. Jinx knew she needed to really reconnect with Amy and
she d liked Reenie instantly. If she was making this place her home now she needed a
circle of friends.
 Sure. That sounds good. The Bit and Bite?
 Hell, no. Amy chuckled.  Someplace where we re not on display. How about
Bristol s? They have great lunches and we ll have privacy.
 All right. Want me to meet you there?
 Sure, if you don t mind. One o clock okay for you?
 You got it.
After Jinx hung up, she sat back in her chair and thought about what Amy had said.
She d love to solve the mystery of Dillon s relationship with Naomi Richardson and what
it was that had affected him so badly. There had to be a lot more to it than just the usual
kind of breakup story. And it probably was the reason he hated reporters so much. But
she wasn t about to pry. When you had a relationship that was just about sex you didn t
share those kinds of things.
Only& last night had a different feel than the first night with Dillon. More intense.
More emotional. They talked together easily and the moments between incredible sex
weren t uncomfortable or strained. She liked the way when they fell asleep he had his
arm around her and his fingers linked with hers. And then there was the shower play
that had started out as a game and turned into something far more intense.
She wanted things with him she d never wanted with Max. And she didn t feel as if
she was always on stage, primed to perform at his command.
Well, shit, Jinx. Have your head examined, why don t you? What happened to a relationship
that was just sex?
She had an uncomfortable feeling that in a very short span of time she and Dillon were
moving way beyond just sex. And she wasn t sure what to do about it.
Dillon took a swallow of his coffee and waited for Charlie Whittaker to say something.
His old boss had asked to meet with him and they d settled for an out-of-the-way truck
stop where they wouldn t raise any eyebrows. The SAPD was still keeping the murder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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