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worth your while, cara.
Just Say Yes
 Oh, Cruz, I just don t know. She d nibbled her bottom lip.  I d have to spend so
much time on site. Make sure the general contractor and I have the same vision, the
same goal. It s just& a lot.
 I know it is. He d stroked her back.  But I can t allow some philistine to botch
your beautiful designs. Come, mi amor. Just say yes.
So here she was, against her better judgment and ignoring all her internal warning
flags, serving as the onsite supervisor for a man whose future plans with her continued
to be a mystery. Oh, sure, he was good with the flowery words and great with the
spectacular sex and hadn t done more than smile at another woman since that weekend
at his ranch. Why couldn t she just accept it as a pleasant interlude and let it go at that?
Because you went and fell in love with him, you dumbass. Just the very thing you feared.
And now here she was, on the vast Rancho Castillo, still wondering how Cruz
always managed to get her to  just say yes . The work was proceeding very nicely. She
had worked with the general contractor, John Reston, before and was pleased with his
work. And as the exteriors of each structure took shape, she saw the pleasure in Cruz s
eyes and the smile seeing it always brought to his face.
No matter how long each day was, however, she was always rejuvenated in his
arms at night. By now they were so familiar with each other s bodies they knew exactly
where and how to touch to elicit the maximum response.
To give the most pleasure.
This week her bed was cold and empty. Cruz was in Europe on business for one of
his companies and wasn t expected back for four more days. Shea drove herself even
harder each day, exhausting herself so sleep would come quickly at night. But still she
missed the warmth of his body and the strength of his arms around her.
Sighing, she finished the bottle of water she was nursing and pushed her chair back.
Cruz had bought a gas-powered golf car to get her from site to site and she was about to
visit the big hacienda on the hill. Today they were starting to lay the flooring and she
wanted to make sure they got it just right. But as she rose a black Mercedes convertible
Desiree Holt
came down the temporary road, throwing up clouds of dust and wheeled to a race car
stop just inches from the table where she had been sitting.
A long-legged beauty with the thinnest figure Shea had ever seen and thick clouds
of raven hair unfolded herself gracefully from behind the wheel, stepped out and
slammed the door.
 I want to know who s in charge here, she demanded, fists planted firmly on her
When everyone looked at Shea, she stepped forward, wishing she didn t look quite
so much like one of the construction crew.
 I guess I am. She held out her hand.  Shea Prescott. I m the architect on the
The other woman s eyes traveled up and down Shea s body scornfully, a distasteful
look on her face. She ignored the outstretched hand.
 Well, Shea Prescott, whoever the hell you are. I suggest you pack up yourself and
all these other peasants and get the fucking hell off my land. Right now.
Shea s jaw dropped.  Your land? Just exactly who are you to be giving orders? This
is Cruz Castillo s land and I m not moving unless he tells me to.
The woman stared at her again.  Exactly what s going on here, anyway?
But Shea wasn t about to give out information to a stranger.  I don t see that it s any
of your business.
 No? One perfectly shaped eyebrow lifted.  Now that s where you re wrong. It s
all my business. I m Lorena Castillo. She paused for effect.  Cruz s wife.
* * * * *
 She is lying, Safina said, placing a glass of iced tea in front of Shea.
John Reston had called a halt to all work until they could get this mess straightened
out. Lorena Castillo had waved a marriage license under their noses and everything
had shut down. Shea had hightailed it for the hacienda in the golf cart, barely making it
Just Say Yes
into the kitchen to give Safina a bare outline before she heard the Mercedes pull up in
High heels tapped on the terra cotta tiles as Lorena Castillo made her way to the
kitchen. The look she gave Shea was a mixture of disgust and hate.
 What are you doing in this house?
 Getting ready to leave. Don t worry.
 Please don t tell me you ve been staying here, she spat.  I consider that an
Shea counted to ten before she spoke.  I have a question for you. If you re really
Cruz s wife, where have you been all this time? Not anywhere around where people
could see you.
 Where I ve been is incidental. I m back and you re out. Along with any other little
tramps hanging around here.
Shea clenched her fists and bit her lip to keep from answering back.
Lorena looked at the housekeeper.  My bags are in my car. Please have someone
bring them in and put them in Señor Castillo s room.
Safina glared at the woman.  Not until the señor tells me to. I will put you in one of
the guest rooms. This mess is for him to sort out but he has certainly never mentioned a
wife to me.
Lorena stormed out of the kitchen.
 Hurry, nina, Safina said.  Go and get your things. I will occupy her until you are
 Did you know he had a wife? She asked.
Safina shook her head.  No. But there could be many reasons he didn t mention
Desiree Holt
 I ll just bet. The longer she sat there, the angrier Shea became. She drained her
iced tea and stood up.  Tell him he can get someone else to finish his damn project. Like
maybe his wife. I ll be sending him a bill and I expect prompt payment.
 Don t you think you should wait to hear what he has to say?
Shea shook her head.  I don t want to hear anything else from him. That woman
had a marriage certificate and that s the only important thing here.
She hurried from the kitchen and around to the back patio, anxious to be away from
here. Cruz wasn t due back for four more days but Shea was convinced this was one
thing he couldn t talk his way out of.
She drove back to San Antonio like a madwoman, thankful she avoided any
speeding tickets. Once home, she called Marta and without offering any explanation
said she was back, she d be in the office tomorrow and didn t want any questions. Then
she opened a bottle of wine, filled he tub with lavender-scented water, poured the wine
and indulged herself in a good old-fashioned cry.
The next morning, dressed and made up, enough to cover her puffy eyes and still
cursing herself for her stupidity, she put in an appearance at her office. Marta,
obviously bursting with curiosity took one look at Shea s face and simply handed over a
stack of messages.
 Send Señor Castillo a final bill. She thrust a piece of paper at her secretary.  This
is the amount.
Marta s eyes widened.  But 
 No questions, Shea snapped.  And tell the others I want to see them in my office.
We need to see where we are with all the projects on the schedule. I can take up the
slack wherever it s needed.
With that she sailed into her private office and slammed the door.
* * * * *
Just Say Yes
Cruz Castillo was beside himself. He d arrived home from his trip earlier than
expected to discover disaster awaiting him. When he visited the main construction site
and saw all work had completely stopped, he stormed into the trailer and cornered John
Reston, who gave him a brief description of what happened.
 I give the orders, Cruz shouted.  No one but me or Señorita Prescott can call a
halt to things.
Reston gave him a lopsided grin.  Then I guess you d better take that up with your
At the hacienda things were even worse. He walked in on Safina and Lorena in a
heated discussion in the kitchen about exactly where Lorena was going to sleep. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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