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He chuckled.  I guessed as much. I ve met more women like Anita than you can
imagine. Man-eaters. You know what I say about them? Use  em and lose  em.
She tilted her head.  And what do you say about me, Ben Lowell?
A slow, lazy, almost predatory grin transformed his face.  I say you are the hottest
woman I ve ever taken to bed and I can t wait to do it again. That you re special and I m
the luckiest man alive that you chose me to step out of character with.
She knew she was blushing but couldn t help it. Ben reached across and lifted her
free hand, taking it to his mouth where he pressed a light kiss on her knuckles. He
didn t say anything. The kiss said it all. Then he winked at her and went back to his
 Will I be able to get in tonight to see you ride? Grace asked as they were lingering
over coffee.  Are there still tickets left? The last time I looked they had a Sold Out sign
 I m taking you in with me tonight, he told her.  Giving you a chance to see what
it s like backstage, so to speak.
 Really? She realized she was squeaking but excitement coursed through her. The
lure of the behind-the-scenes mystique was powerful.
Ben s warm chuckle rumbled in his chest.  Yes, really. You just have to be very
careful and do exactly what I tell you to.
 No problem. Absolutely. She clapped her hands together.  Oh this is terrific. I
feel as if I m going to see the real Ben Lowell.
His face was suddenly serious.  The real me is the one you were with last night,
Grace. And the one with you today. The rodeo is just how I make my living these days.
 To get enough money to buy that ranch, she said, her voice sober.
He nodded.  That s right. Just keep remembering that. Okay?
 Okay. She grinned impishly.  But I can still cheer for you, right?
 I wouldn t have it any other way. He signaled for the check.  We d better get
going. I like to have plenty of time to check my rigging and see where I am in the order
Rodeo Heat
of competitors. And I need to spend some time with Hotshot too. I made arrangements
for him to be fed and watered but he and I need our quiet time together.
 You talk about him as if he s human, Grace commented as they made their way
back to the stairs to street level.
 Sometimes I think he is. When I introduce you to him, you ll see what I mean.
Desiree Holt
Chapter Ten
Grace fell in love the minute they stepped through the back door of the arena to the
area where the animals were kept. One long section was divided into stalls for horses,
while another held the bulls that had been specially bred for competition and the calves
for the roping and cutting events. The area on both sides of the arena had metal bar
fencing set up, sections locked together in the required configurations. Grace noticed
both hallways led directly to the arena where a system of pens had been set up.
 Those are the chutes, Ben told her, following her gaze.  That s where the calves
are herded before being let loose into the ring, where the riders wait for the gate to open
and where they bring each bull or bronc for the rider to mount up.
Grace tried to take in as much of the explosion of noise and color and movement as
she could. Watching the activity around her, she could see how the rodeo life could
easily get into someone s blood. The sights, the sounds, the aromas. The magnificent
animals, everything from the horses to the little calves used in the roping events. The
sizzle of adrenaline in the air.
Every place she looked people were moving in what looked like chaos but she
realized was actually some kind of choreographed dance, where everyone knew their
place and their steps. Unlike the people in the big room where the food was sold, these
people both men and women were in worn jeans, t-shirts or shirts with the sleeves
rolled up past their elbows and scuffed boots that had seen a lot of wear.
 These are the workers who make the rodeo operate, Ben continued.  Most of
them are former rodeo competitors who retired for one reason or another. Their
experience gives them a good understanding of what needs to be done to make things
 I don t see any of the other riders back here, she told him, looking around.
He chuckled.  There s a lot of us here but everyone leaves their fancy duds in their
lockers while they prep for the evening s events.
Grace inhaled the mingled scents of animals, humans, straw and leather, the aroma
stirring her blood like some exotic cologne. She felt the same whisper of excitement that
had streaked through her the first time she d been to the circus, or seen the famous
Lipizzaner horses perform.
 Oh Ben. She turned to him, clutching his arm.  This is fantastic. No wonder you
love this life so much.
He laughed at her enthusiasm.  You might think differently if you were on the back
of one of those mad bulls, or chasing disobedient calves. Or riding an ornery bronc
trying to buck you off.
Rodeo Heat
 I ve never even ridden a horse, she admitted shyly.
 No? Maybe we ll come down here during the day and I can give you a slow walk
on Hotshot. We ll see. He grabbed her hand.  Come on. I have to get busy.
They wound their way through groups of people, many of them nodding to Ben,
smiling or waving hello as they moved down the walkway between the horse stalls.
Halfway down the row they stopped at a stall where a horse peeked over the stall gate,
big eyes watching them with curiosity. As soon as Ben approached, he nickered softly
and rubbed muzzle against the man s palm.
 Hey, boy, Ben said softly.  Got someone here for you to meet. If you treat her
nicely, you might get a little treat. He reached out and drew Grace closer.  This is
Grace and she s someone pretty special to me. Say hello to her.
The horse bobbed his head up and down and made the same noise he d greeted Ben
Grace laughed with delight.  You re right. He thinks he s a person.
 Go ahead, Ben urged.  Reach out slowly and rub his forehead. He loves it.
Grace extended her hand tentatively and when the horse pushed his head against
her palm and made a small noise of satisfaction, she relaxed and rubbed the mottled
 He s a sweetheart, she cried.  I don t think I ve ever seen one with a spotted coat
like this.
The horse, big and with a broad conformation, had a leopard-spotted coat, white
and roan, with large white circles around his eyes.
Ben fished a cube of sugar from his pocket and held it out to Hotshot on his open
palm.  He s an Appaloosa. The Nez Perce Indians used them and the breed almost died [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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