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120) How many categories of students are there in the Chart of
Predicted Results?
Progress and Guarantees charts
121) How can the student monitor his own progress?
Payment on Results
122) How does the system of Payment on Results work?
123) How can the student be sure that when he reaches, for example,
Stage 8 of the Method that he will know about 90% of the
material in the preceding 7 Stages?
124) Why do students correct their own exams?
125) In what way is paying in advance still paying on results?
126) What are the three systems of payment?
127) How does the monthly refund system work?
128) How does the  Refund on leaving work?
129) When comparing the fees of various schools, why should the
student calculate in cost per hour (of 60 minutes)?
130) Is a Callan Method school obliged to give a guarantee, trial
lessons and allow its students to pay on results?
131) What, briefly, is the History of the Callan Method? - What was
the solution to the problems the Method had to face?
Anyone can teach with the Method, and anyone can teach himself
132) Why can anyone teach with the Method?
133) In what way are Callan Method teachers real teachers?
134) How can the teacher train himself to teach with the Method?
135) Why is there no strain in teaching with the Method?
136) In what way is the Callan Method teacher a nicer person than a
non-Callan Method teacher?
137) How can students teach each other?
138) How can students practice with each other?
139) How can the student teach himself with the Method?
140) How many more hours would the student who teaches himself
take for the Preliminary than one studying with a well-trained
mother-tongue teacher?
141) How would one go about opening one s own Callan Method
How to get the Method adopted
142) How can the student help persuade his school to use the Callan
143) Why are some established teachers reluctant to change to the
Callan Method?
144) What is the cultural argument used by some teachers when
resisting the adoption of the Method?
145) In what way does the Method expand the market?
146) Why are some state-school teachers reluctant to use the
147) In what way can the Method help state-school and university
148) How is the tax-payer the loser if the Method is not adopted at
state schools and universities?
149) What is the answer to teachers and students who prefer the old
non-Callan Method ways of teaching?
150) How can it be proved that Callan Method learning is not parrot-
fashion learning?
151) Why do some non-Callan Method teachers think the Method
sends the teacher  gaga ? - and is it true that the Method has
adverse effects on the teacher?
152) What other arguments do some teachers put forward for not
using the Method?
153) Why should companies and governments etc. not give the
Method to the  experts to judge?
154) Why do some company employees try to block the use of the
155) Why are opinions not worth much in judging the Method?
Miscellaneous information about the Method, its teachers, and the
schools that use it
156) For what type of student and what type of study is the Method
157) For what age of student and size of class is the Method
158) How can it be proved that the Method is interesting and
pleasant for the student to study with?
159) Although a Callan Method book might be more expensive than
other books, why is it cheaper when compared to the books the
student needs to buy for a course at other schools?
160) How does the Method make it possible for the student to have a
flexible timetable?
161) Why is it better for the teacher to translate each new word as it
comes up than have the student try to guess its meaning?
162) Is the end result with the Callan Method the same as that with
other methods?
163) What are the contents of each of the Callan Method books?
164) Why should the student accept the Method as it is - warts and
165) What should the teacher say to a student who complains that he
cannot converse in English outside the classroom after
completing Stages 1 to 4?
166) What is the importance of the 2000 most-commonly-used
words of the language, and especially the 1000 most-
commonly-used words?
167) How is it that the Callan Method student loses his shyness?
168) How does speaking help the student to remember?
169) Although the Callan Method might look similar to other direct
methods, how can it be proved to be different?
170) Why can the Method not really be copied or improved?
171) Why is it easy for a Callan Method student to move from a
Callan Method school in one town to a Callan Method school
in another?
172) Does the Callan Method Organisation have any control over
Callan Method schools?
173) What should the student do if he finds two Callan Method
schools in his area competing against each other?
174) Why is it essential for the teacher not to speak with an accent
during the lesson?
175) Why is it that some students think that because the Method is
too easy it cannot be any good?
Callan Method Certificates and Stage Tests
176) What does a Callan Method Certificate state, and what purpose
does it serve?
177) What is on the back of a Callan Method Certificate, and what
purpose do they serve?
About the Cambridge Exams
178) What are the Cambridge certificates?
179) What are the levels of the Cambridge exams?
180) When did the Cambridge exams first come into existence?
181) Does a Callan Method school generally prepare a student for
any exam?
General advice about the studying of English
182) How did Victor Borge learn English?
183) Why is it that English-speaking friends are reluctant to correct a
student s English in conversation?
184) What advice should a student follow if he does a translation?
185) Why is it better for the student to study English in short bursts
rather than spread the studying over a long period? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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