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the hologram, but in fact there is only the one horse
repeated 100 hundred times. In this reality, there is only one
of you but you are repeated everywhere. I ve seen a mirror
reality of another version of me it looked the same. I was
lying down and the  other me was joined to the  real me at
my feet. It was lying down also, stretched away from me. I
don t understand it well enough to explain. It could well
have been just another hologram version.
You are also at the center of the universe; so am I,
and so is Aunt Maud in Ohio. If you and I are sitting having
a coffee at a table across from each other, it s hard to see
how both of us can be at the center of everything, as one of
us ought to be slightly off center. But it s not so. You are in
your hologram at the center of your universe and I am in
mine, and we are both in each others . Every part of the
universe (and maybe other universes and other dimensions)
is everywhere. The mystical idea that we are all connected
is correct.
You are everything. Everything emits a feeling. So
you are all the feelings of the universe. Therefore, if you
want to know what is round the next corner you only have
to blank your mind and enter the feeling. Remember, subtle
feeling is ESP not emotion. Of course, most people are not
used to listening to their subtle feelings for information, as
they are either all mental activity, or they confuse feelings
with emotions.
What seems to be an extra sensory perception of
feelings is, in fact, your primary perception. The mind and
its free will are the override. They enter a guessing game
when in fact you already have all the answers, you always
did have. You also know exactly what is going on and what
is about to happen next. All human action rises from a
hidden subconscious impulse and that impulse has a feeling.
When you get good at it, you can  feel the very subtle
impulses that will occur in the future. After you master
listening to your feelings, you don t have to plan or think.
It s all obvious, minute-by-minute. It s such a relief. Of
course, once your life becomes immediate, you won t be
able to plan very far ahead, as at any moment your subtle
feelings might cancel your mental plan; however, it does
allow you to be right all the time. Your subtle feelings are
never wrong.
Once you follow the subtle plan, life becomes
magical but you will not at first understand the
synchronicity of life that is all around you, weaving its
magic. Yes, the universe is close-by and all around you.
Simple. That is why I say get rid of free will; it s a disaster
and part of the control trip. You re probably a slave to it.
Drop it. Stop searching and planning, stop it. Stop
pretending your intellect knows what to do. Feel out what
you ought to do next. You ll get good at it very quickly. At
first you may make a few mistakes by letting emotion or
thinking get in the way, but you will soon master it.
Soon nothing will be able to hide from you, and
after a while your subtle feelings will talk to you in more
complex ways, like visions. If everyone went with their
feelings, this zoo, this prison, would fall apart. We d leave
the world of emotion and mind and enter the Kingdom of
Heaven, as our subtle feelings are part of the Kingdom of
Heaven. They offer us the real truth.
Imagine a world where there was only real truth.
Where your stockbroker had to tell the truth, where
lawyers were not allowed to lie, where everyone had to
admit their true intentions. At first, it would be mayhem,
but once everyone had been caught out lying a few times;
they d soon follow the game plan and would have to quit
lying or be ostracized.
The lies of the world are all pervasive. They are
everywhere. In every corner you look. People pretend to be
righteous and honest; people pretend they have your
interests at heart while screwing you at every moment of
the day. People say they love you, but if they do from
emotion or mind, they are lying. Love that comes from the
mind is usually just a social nicety, like saying,  Good
morning. If you listen carefully you will hear when
someone s love comes from their mind, not from their
feelings; you will notice the hollow clang in their voice. A
mental  I love you has a tinny feel to it. Love that comes
from emotion is usually not worth having either as it s laced
with a need that screams,  I love you but love me back. I m
insecure don t leave me. Only unconditional love from
your subtle feelings is right.
Where are you? You are at the center of a subtle
feeling. Let go of free will, it s a nightmare and inaccurate
use subtle feelings instead, they are never wrong. Stop
guessing what the outcome will be, stand inside the feeling
of the outcome and you will know.
Where are Heaven and Hell?
You guessed it. They are right here, inside you, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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