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them the sign of external volume overshadows the substance. Because of light-mindedness they are
occupied with blowing bubbles, and then take the rainbow of decomposition for the light of
illumination. Even sufficiently experienced minds are busying themselves with mechanical
calculations instead of confronting the substance. How to tell them that only quality will illumine
and affirm them? Distinguish great works from corpses.
186. Every community is in need of defensive resources. We are not conquerors by force, but
nevertheless We keep an account of Our enemies, and We are not deceived about their numbers.
Rays, gases, and aerial out-posts will be the best external measures, but the most effective
resources will be in the products of psychic energy. By no means do We intend to present a
spectacle of defenseless sheep! Real knowledge is ever ready to reply! We are not interested in
frightening anyone, but We must issue the warning  Beware, ignorant one! Now is the time to
whisper to all those who are united in community,  Be conscious of your psychic commands.
There are and will be instances when in full consciousness you can take upon yourselves the
responsibility for a decisive order. But intensify at that time all keensightedness, in order to
perceive clearly the circumference of your target. A most ugly consequence will issue from a
misdirected order. On the way the most unexpected manifestations may be touched, and who can
control the consequences of an ill-sped arrow? Long ago did I say to the enemy,  I will receive into
My shield all thy arrows, but I shall send thee only one. In these words is Our entire Advice.
It is necessary for each community member to know the technique of battle, and
particularly it is important to distinguish pseudo-members and to expel them beyond the wall. No
length of beard, no counting of chains, no lameness, no assurances, no casual signs are of value as
testimony. Only full consciousness, clear in its daily vigilance, sincere in sleep, can present the
countenance of true longing. Often sleep is more sincere than wakefulness. Each sincerity has the
right to be armed. And an unalterable command both engenders and smites.
187. How is it possible to feel oneself protected to the utmost? Only by establishing the closest
bond with the Teacher. Only in active cooperation and in reverence is concealed the best possibility
of passing through the dangerous spheres. The bond with the Teacher is a living penetration into
the future.
There are earthly ancestors and cosmic ancestors; sometimes these concepts coincide, but
because of imperfection they are often separated. Thus, there is a chain of earthly ancestors and
also a rainbow of cosmic ancestors. It is not difficult to discern which manifestation will be the
path of evolution.
Indeed, each Teacher has His own Guide, and the evaluation of thought ascends into the
far-off worlds. Reverence to the Teacher and the constructiveness of striving to the far-off worlds
are as a rainbow unified by the essence of light.
Learn to understand how lofty is the concept of the Teacher. Draw this line from horizon to
horizon, from arrival to departure. Know how the Teaching of Light has been revealed to you, and
remember the silvery thread of the bond. The bond with the Teacher is light as the eagle's wing,
and the eagle's eye looks ahead. What else could you prefer, if your consciousness has been
opened? The building of the community can help in gathering thoughts. Of course, not caravan
donkeys but eagles have been indicated in the comparison.
The hand of the Teacher summons to the threshold of the community. And from the
mountain We see where the wheel of necessity is flying.
188. He has been called a victim of misfortune who entered the community out of desperation.
Suffering complete failure, a man has offered up his misfortune, and the wage of failure has been
unhappiness. But indeed, he who brings forth failure regards himself as the greatest depositor he
has sacrificed, he also has renounced, he too has chosen, and he is waiting and presenting a bill.
We prefer the sacrifice of success. He who has much to renounce expects payment least of
all. Thus, lay out the community following the land-marks of sacrifices.
189. The fisherman returns joyfully with his prise catch. Mankind was not made for misfortunes.
Man is this same joyous fisherman with a multiform catch. True, the catch is different, but the joy
is the same and inalienable the joy of thought about the future. Neither fish nor birds nor animals
know of the future. But man definitely knows the unavoidableness of a future. In this call of space
is contained immense joy. He who is afraid of the future is still in an animal state, and the world
feast is not yet for him.
To learn to enhance and to uplift thought about the future means to occupy a place in it
which will grow together with the consciousness. He who does not await external aid knows the
value of his own hammer. Whoever knows the path into the future can carry his catch without fear.
Whereas, a part of humanity does not even see the thread into the future. Broken loose and swept
about like autumn leaves, they raise the dust from alien bazaars. A cloud of dust will veil the gates
of the community, and dusty thinking will turn all into rubbish.
When it is dark and threatening, then keep the consciousness upon the future. We call the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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