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One of them placed his hand over his mouth and coughed, trying to cover his laughter. His brother
thumped him on the back. The third one just shook his head and stepped forward.  I am Bador and
these are my brothers, Garrik and Jarmon. We have come to invite you to our home.
Christina nodded at Bador and Garrik, but frowned at Jarmon, who was still trying to swallow back his
mirth.  Thank you for the invitation, but I m fine here. I might not be staying.
Everyone froze and the air in the room became fraught with tension. She certainly knew how to kill a
party. She felt Jarek s hands on her shoulders as he pulled her back against his chest. She didn t question
how she knew it was Jarek, she just did.
 We will discuss that later. His tone brooked no disobedience and right now she didn t want to
challenge him on it.
Her entire body felt shaky and all she really wanted to do was sit down somewhere, preferably
somewhere far away from the Bakra brothers. But that wasn t going to happen. Jarek led her to a table
at the head of the room and seated her before sitting next to her. Marc sat next to Jarek. The Bakra
brother sat on her other side with Zaren immediately to her right. This was not going to be fun.
As if their sitting had been a signal, everyone else found their places and servers came out from the
kitchen with platters laden down with food. No one spoke as food was served and goblets were filled
with ale and cider. The crowd was holding its breath as one, waiting to see how the events would unfold.
 Eat, Christina. While she d been busy watching the people, Jarek had filled her place with some
choice bits of meat, some vegetables and bread.
She leaned closer to him and he bent his head.  I m too nervous to eat.
 Would it help if this matter were settled once and for all? His finger tenderly traced her cheek as she
nodded.  Very well.
He pushed back his chair and stood. Everyone waited silently.  The House of Bakra has challenged for
the right to Christina Beaumont, who belongs to the House of Garen. The crowd hissed and booed.
Jarek raised his hands and silence reigned.  It is their right to do so under law.
Every ounce of her blood raced out of her head and she felt lightheaded. She hadn t realized that he
meant to challenge right this very minute. For a moment, she wished she d never come here, never
known either Jarek or Marc. She already cared for them both way too much and couldn t bear the
thought of them being hurt or perhaps killed because of her.
 Christina. Jarek placed his hand on her head and gently caressed her hair.  The beautiful Christina
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belongs to the House of Garen.
Zaren pushed back his own chair and stood. Christina scooted closer to Jarek, half afraid of what he
might do. Jarek pulled a knife from a sheath at his side and sent it flying towards the table. It landed in
front of Zaren with a loud thunk and vibrated as it rocked back and forth, the blade embedded in the
wooden table.
Zaren grabbed the hilt and yanked it free. Christina gasped as he flipped it over in one deft move and
handed it back to Jarek hilt first. Jarek accepted it and sheathed the knife.  Challenge has been issued
and accepted.
 No. Her words were little more than a whisper against the cheering of the crowd. Bador, Garrik and
Jarmon stood beside their brother and Marc rose to stand by Jarek.
Her throat felt tight and she could barely breathe. They were going to fight. Now. Over her. It was
She grabbed Jarek s arm, using it to pull herself to her feet. Zaren was already moving away from the
table, but she reached out and touched his arm. He whirled on her quickly, his knife drawn.
Her arm automatically came up to protect herself against the coming blow, but it never came. Slowly,
she lowered her arm. Zaren was watching her, his face suffused with fury. Christina swallowed against
the dryness in her throat, but she would not stop now.
 I won t go with you even if you win.
Zaren cupped her face in his hand and rubbed his thumb over her lip.  It no longer matters what you
want. You have sealed your own fate with your spirit and beauty. Some of the anger left him.  I would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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