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 Normally, yes. But you re getting ready to come into heat. I can smell the change in your
Diane shook her head.  No, not for another few weeks, yet. I have longer cycles but they re
Kenzie gave her a funny look then turned her glance back in front of them.  I m telling you,
you re getting ready to ovulate. Probably the next couple days. The scent is strong. If Zane is
anywhere near us, he ll smell you and head straight to us. I hope you re ready for a wild male.
 What do you mean? Diane asked, fear catching in her throat. She couldn t be ovulating. It
wasn t time. She recalled exactly what Abby had told her about being with Tah when she was
ovulating. Diane swallowed and fisted her shaking hands at her sides.
Kenzie looked apologetic.  Zane is completely dominated by animal instincts at the moment,
which means he might be a little& forceful when he takes his mate. She looked embarrassed to speak
so bluntly with Diane.  Add to that the fact you re coming into heat&  She shrugged again.  Any
control Zane might have been able to maintain could disappear completely. He ll have one thought in
mind and only one.
 Me? Diane asked with a voice suddenly weak.
 Claiming you, Kenzie said.  In any and every way he can.
 Oh, God, Diane panted, stopping and leaning against a tree as she tried to catch her breath.
 I didn t smell it on you until we were already out here, or I would have warned you, Kenzie
said, coming up beside her.  It s good in a way.
Diane choked on a laugh.  How is this good? What if he s so far gone that I can t reach him?
Will he still take me? Mount me and coerce me whether I want it or not?
 Diane, he won t rape you. Mates don t do that, Kenzie assured her.
 Are you sure about that? Have you ever known of another mated couple in this exact position?
One ovulating while the other s under the influence of the feral cat fever virus?
Kenzie shook her head.
 Then we have no idea what I m walking into. Diane groaned as she pushed away and began
walking again. Her mind was filled with everything Abby had shared with her about mating with Tah
while in heat. Diane knew cats. She understood how the barbs worked on the male feline s penis. She
also remembered the look on Abby s face and how the other woman had assured Diane the sex had
been pleasurable. Unfortunately, hearing wasn t the same as knowing, and her already strained nerves
only frayed more with the uncertainty.
Kenzie resumed a quick pace, and Diane kept up as her mind spun with possibilities. She had
no idea how far they d walked, her thoughts and the occasional conversations with Kenzie managing
to keep Diane distracted. Thankfully, it seemed as if Kenzie knew exactly which direction they
needed to head in, or she was just making a good guess.
 If you re cycles are normal, then why are you getting ready to ovulate? Kenzie asked when
they stopped briefly for a drink of water.  Maybe it s your body s way of making sure your mate can
find you, she offered.
Oh, no! No! That son of a bitch!  Or maybe it s one mad scientist s way of making sure Zane
finds me, Diane stated angrily.
 The Professor? Kenzie asked.
 He said he was giving me a tetanus booster, and I didn t even really question him. I m such a
fucking idiot. I should ve known better than to trust that sneaky bastard.
 I m sure he only meant to help you, Kenzie offered, almost mirroring the Professor s earlier
 He s gone too far this time. He s not only risked my life but yours, as well. And when we get
back, I m going to knock some sense into him. It would serve him right if I left despite his little plan.
 You re planning to leave? With Zane? Kenzie didn t sound happy.
 I would never tell Zane what to do, she promised.
 If you leave, he ll go with you, whether he wants to or not. Mates come first. If for one minute
he thinks you re unhappy and wish to leave us, he won t hesitate, Kenzie informed her.
 I won t do that to him, Diane swore.
 Then be careful of your emotions. They become his, as well. You ll be unable to hide anything
from him.
 Shit! What about you? Diane asked.
 What about me? Kenzie replied.
 He gave you a shot, too.
 I ll be fine. My body might not even react to it. She looked thoughtful for a moment.  It
hasn t, yet. You re the one we should be concerned about. You going into heat could make the animal
in Zane even more predatory and unwilling to relinquish control.
Not to mention the changes to his physiology that Diane wasn t going to share. Besides, Kenzie
was a shifter. She might already know and just not want to scare Diane. Either way, Diane wasn t
bringing it up.
 Maybe the Professor should have thought of that before he gave me something to force my
body to ovulate, Diane gritted out between clenched teeth. They were going uphill, and she was
panting a bit.
 He definitely should have, Kenzie agreed.  Mates can be very protective. Your anger
becomes theirs. The bond mates share& It s a love like no other.
Diane glanced at Kenzie.  Is Holt your mate?
Kenzie laughed.  No. I think Holt hoped for us to be mates, but we weren t meant to be. He s
not mine.
 Have you& ? Diane cleared her throat, uncertain of finishing the question. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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