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three derived classes; only the base class named person is mentioned.
The linked list therefore has no hint that the three subclasses even exist,
but in spite of that, we will see this class send messages to the three
subclasses as they are passed through this logic. That is exactly what
dynamic binding is, and we will have a little more to say about it after
we examine the calling program.
A linked list application
At this time you should examine the final example program in this
section [EMPLOYE2.CPP]; it is our best example of dynamic binding,
even if the program is still very simple.
#include "person.h"
#include "supervsr.h"
#include "elemlist.h"
employee_list list;
void main()
supervisor *suppt;
programmer *progpt;
secretary *secpt;
suppt = new supervisor;
suppt->init_data("Big John", 5100, "President");
progpt = new programmer;
progpt->init_data("Joe Hacker", 3500, "debugger", "Pascal");
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progpt = new programmer;
progpt->init_data("OOP Wizard", 7700, "senior analyst", "C++");
secpt = new secretary;
secpt->init_data("Tillie Typer", 2200, 1, 85);
suppt = new supervisor;
suppt->init_data("Tom talker", 5430, "Sales manager");
progpt = new programmer;
progpt->init_data("Dave Debugger", 5725, "code maintainer",
"assembly language");
// Now display the entire list
This program is very similar to the example program EMPLOYEE.CPP
with a few changes to emphasise dynamic binding. In line 5 we declare
an object of the class employee_list to begin our linked list. This is the
only copy of the list we will need for this program. For each of the
elements, we allocate the data, fill it, and send it to the linked list to be
added to the list where we allocate another linked list element to point
to the new data, and add it to the list. The code is very similar to the
last program down through line 28.
In line 34 we send a message to the display_list( ) method which
outputs the entire list of personnel. You will notice that the linked list
class defined in the files named ELEMLIST.H and ELEMLIST.CPP are
never informed in any way that the subclasses even exist but they
dutifully pass the pointers to these subclasses to the correct methods
and the program runs as expected. If you changed PERSON.H to use a
pure virtual function, it will still work with this program just as we
discussed earlier.
Now that we have the program completely debugged and working,
suppose that we wished to add another class to the program, for
example a class named consultant because we wished to include some
consultants in our business. We would have to write the class of course
and the methods within the classes, but the linked list doesn't need to
know that the new class is added, so it does not require any changes in
order to update the program to handle consultant class objects. In this
particular case, the linked list is very small and easy to understand, but
suppose the code was very long and complex as with a large database.
It would be very difficult to update every reference to the subclasses
and add another subclass to every list where they were referred to, and
this operation would be error prone. In the present example program,
the linked list would not even have to be recompiled in order to add the
new functionality.
It should be clear that it would be possible to actually define new types,
dynamically allocate them, and begin using them even while the
program was executing if we properly partitioned the code into
Page 819-53
executable units operating in parallel. This would not be easy, but it
could be done for a large database that was tracking the inventory for a
large retail store, or even for an airlines reservation system. You
probably have little difficulty understanding the use of dynamically
allocated memory for data, but dynamically allocating classes or types is
new and difficult to grasp, but the possibility is there with dynamic
Exercise 8
Add a new class named consultant to SUPERVSR.H and
SUPERVSR.CPP, then modify to EMPLOYE2.CPP to use the new
Page 819-54
Objective 9 After working through this section you should be able to list some of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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