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After changing into a fresh pair of jeans and T-shirt, Lucy headed for the
supermarket on Avenue A. It was early and the East Village's more disreputable
denizens were just now staggering home, glowering at the morning sun like
vampires being chased back into their sepulchers.
The store was less crowded than she remembered ever seeing it before. Then
again, she rarely did her shopping before ten in the morning. As she pushed
her cart through the narrow aisles in search of coffee, raw sugar, bagels and
toilet paper, she collided solidly with the cart of another early bird. She
backed up without looking, automatically mumbling an apology.
"Good morning, Ms. Bender. I see you're looking well this morning," smiled
"You bastard!" Lucy blurted loud enough to make the butcher stocking the meat
case look in her direction. "What do you want? Are you following me?"
"Heaven forbid!" Meresin said, feigning dismay. "I am merely tending to my
shopping-much as you are." To illustrate his point, the daemon picked up a can
of baby octopus and tossed it in his otherwise empty cart.
"That's bullshit and you know it!' she replied hotly. "I don't know what you
think you're going to accomplish harassing me-"
Meresin held up a hand. "Please, my dear! You wound me to the quick! But
speaking of motivations-have you truly given any thought to your own in this
matter? Ask yourself, Lucy-is what you feel for Joth anchored in reality?
After all, you thought what you had with Nevin was built on a solid
foundation, did you not? Will you still feel the same for Joth once it sheds
its wings? And what if Joth proves to be a she, not a `he,' as you insist on
calling it?"
"Shut up!" Lucy said angrily. "I know what you're trying to do! But it's not
going to work!" She clamped her hands over her ears and screwed her eyes shut.
"I'm not listening to you! See? I'm not listening!" She wagged her head back
and forth, chanting stridently: "La-La-La! I'm not listening! La-La-La!" After
a couple of seconds she opened her eyes and looked around. Meresin was gone,
although the guy stocking the meat-case was looking at her as if she was
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certifiable. Blushing bright red, Lucy hurried to the register with her
As she walked hack to her apartment building, Lucy couldn't help but reflect
upon what Meresin had said. She really hadn't given what she was doing that
much thought. Granted, she didn't really have any precedents for what to do in
situations involving daemons and angels popping in and out of her living room,
but one thing was for certain: she had done more to help and protect Joth than
she had for anyone else in her life, even Nevin.
She had repeatedly placed her physical and spiritual well-being on the line
for someone-some thing, really-she had known for less than a week. And had
done so even though Joth had been instrumental in costing her a job, a shot at
the big time, and, once the super got a gander at what was left of the bedroom
window, her apartment as well. And for what? It was not as if she and Joth had
spent long afternoons over wine and picnic lunches, getting to know one
What exactly did she feel for Joth? For all its peculiarities, there was a
gentleness and innate sweetness to the angel's nature that touched her on some
level. She was still mulling these things over in her mind as she walked
though the door.
Ezrael looked up as she returned. "That was quick."
"Not many shoppers out this early in this neighborhood," she grunted in reply
as she escorted the groceries into the kitchen.
Ezrael walked into the kitchen and watched her from the doorway as she busied
herself with putting away what she'd bought.
"You didn't run into anyone while you were out, did you?" he asked pointedly.
She paused for a second, deliberating on whether she should tell him about
Meresin, then resumed shelving the groceries.
"No," she replied, a little more sharply than she meant to. "Like I said--it's
too early for anyone I know to be up and about."
"Just asking, that's all."
"Sorry I snapped at you, Ez. I'm just kind of-you know-stressed right now."
She turned to give the muse a worried look. "Ez-do you think Joth will stay?"
Ezrael shrugged. "It's impossible to say. But from what I've seen-I'd say it's [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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