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and it seems to have almost as many good points as the Rope technique, but most people
find YOYO much easier. This method is a good alternative if you are having trouble
with ROPE. This can also be used as a good preparatory exercise for an OOBE attempt.
It helps 'loosen up' the projectable double, even if another technique is to be used for the
actual exit.
1. Get yourself into a deeply relaxed state, or into the trance state if possible, as you
normally would prepare for using an OOBE technique.
2. Pick a target on the ceiling above your bed, or on the wall if using a chair. This can be
a light fitting or picture (anything) or you can tape a small paper target up above you.
3. Stand on a chair (careful not to fall) and get the feel of what it is like to have your face
up close to the target. Feel the changed spatial coordinates. Feel what this new position
(up next to the target) feels like from there. Feel where the floor and bed and furniture
and windows and doors are now. Memorize what it 'feels' like to be in this position, up
close to your target.
4. Instead of using ROPE, shift your awareness out of your body and push it right up next
to the target, as if target were right next to your face. Imagine and 'feel' yourself being at
the target, right up close to it. Hold your awareness there for one second only and then
pull your point of awareness back to your body. Feel yourself move right up to the target
and, briefly, feel your spatial coordinates in the room change as your bodily awareness
changes location. Feel the room move around you, briefly, as you fly up to the target and
back to your body. Feel the room change back to normal when you pull your center of
awareness back to your body.
5. Bounce your awareness back and forth between the target and your body at roughly
one-second intervals (whatever feels most natural). Try and develop a natural rhythm, in
and out, in and out, and over and over.
6. When you get used to using this technique, extend your time at the target slightly, just
a little bit longer. Always keep this time short enough to be comfortable and achievable
so you can do it repeatedly, over and over, with ease. This takes concentration but is
quite easy when you get the hang of it.
7. Keep this up and it will trigger the projection reflex just like ROPE.
8. Vary this technique as you see fit, with other OOBE techniques like ROPE, or rolling
out of your body, or feeling yourself floating out of body, point shift, etc. You may, for
example, trigger the projectable state, feeling vibrations, etc, using YOYO and find it
easier to finish off the exit using ROPE, or by rolling out of your body, or with another
favorite method.
Racing Heartbeat, Disorientation & Pressure:
In my opinion, disorientation and head pressure, during or after an OBE or OBE
attempt, stem from forced bio-energetic development, caused by an OBE attempt. Any
problems resulting from this will settle down over a couple of days. I do not advise
further attempts until you feel completely normal again - as things must have time to
adjust and develop in response to what has happened - as a muscle must be given time to
heal and develop after being overworked and strained.
While a logical observation, and partly true, the assumption that the heart chakra
is not getting enough energy, and that this is causing it to race during an OBE attempt, is
not entirely correct. This matter is far more complex than it appears.
When you cease a projection causing bodily awareness action, ie, Rope, and
observe the throbbing in your heart chakra slowing, you have actually eased the pressure
that was forcing your energy body to generate your projectable double. This eases the
load on the heart chakra, thus slowing its activity.
The heart chakra is forced to provide a lot of energy, to generate the projectable
double, during an awake induced OBE attempt. Excessive heart center activity, and all
other heavy exit sensations, are 'caused' by the presence of 'awake' consciousness, which
cause a plethora of bio-energetic conflicts to arise. To support this: think how easily you
project out of body when your mind is asleep, and out of the bio-energetic equation?
When asleep, you'll find you slip out with hardly a murmur from your hear chakra,
feeling only a mild, brief falling sensation. At the very worse this level of exit sensations
will make you catch the sides of your bed, especially at times when you are drifting in
and out of sleep, before actually falling asleep.
When awake consciousness is present during an OBE attempt, a true
'complication of bio-incarnated consciousness' arises. Your awake mind changes the
whole equation, and the usual bio-energetic projection mechanism comes under a lot of
unusual pressure. It finds it must work overtime to provide the energies needed to
generate the projected double while awake consciousness is present. When awake
consciousness is present during projection, the bio-energetic projection mechanism has to
overcome the awake mind's conscious control over its physical body, and the 'tension'
this automatically generates.
By partly true, I mean that the heart chakra does speed up when increased energy
demands are placed upon it. This can occur during an OBE, when the projected double
deliberately draws more energy from its physical/etheric counterpart, which is
energetically maintaining its projected double via the Silver Cord. A noticeable heavier
thrumming will also be felt from within the perceived chest area of the projected double
when this happens, even though it does not have a chest, per se. This is especially
noticeable at close range, within 20 feet (6 meters) or so, during a Real Time OBE, and
eases with greater distance.
But, when heart center throbbing speeds up during a conscious exit OBE attempt
(which is especially noticeable during early OBE's and OBE attempts), this is a sign that
awake consciousness is throwing a spanner into the works, so to speak.
Apart from the 'unavoidable' presence of awake consciousness - which must be
overcome through repeated OBE attempt experience (which develops the projection
mechanism to the point where it can compensate), plus simple bio-energetic development
- most of the problems this causes stem from a lack of deep physical relaxation. This is
the most 'widespread' problem and general cause of this. The vast majority of would-be
projectors do not attain a sufficient state of deep physical relaxation prior to OBE
attempts, and then experience heavy exit sensations and problems as a result.
"No way!" you might say, "I'm in full trance and so 'must' be deeply physically [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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