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furious and out of control was better than a dead one.
Christy had no luck that day or the next in search of employment. To his chagrin,
Madame Sofia had warned all dressmakers in Bond Street and surrounding areas,
hiring Christy MacDonald would cost them customers. Christy did not take long to
realize that finding employment in the elegant shops of Bond Street was an impossible
task. Would have to go considerably further to obtain employment, the seamstresses
who wore the actresses, concubines and prostitutes of luxury.
Sinjun was so eager to attend that night to masquerade as the Dowager Duchess of
hanging from a beam, but Rudy had promised that he would come. Alice supposed to
be there, and would have to spend the night dodging. He had been a mistake to believe
she was let free to marry her when in fact he was still married to Christy. He
wondered, not for the first time why he was putting off the issue of invalidity.
At first he decided to wait to come back Julian. But I had no idea when would the
mysterious Julian issues to come home, it was a pretty poor excuse. He lost the
document and had recently had to find the bottom of the drawer of his desk.
As he walked up and down his bedroom waiting for him Pemburton prepare the bath
in the bathroom, turned it Sinjun a surprising bit of information that Rudy had given
him recently. Rudy swore that Christy had seen in London. The idea that the city was
disturbed as he had had not returned to his old self since then, if they remain in a
constant state of intoxication could be considered to be himself.
What was he doing in London? Calum Cameron Will find her? Would they have
already pronounced their vows? He could not think think of any reason why Christy
and Calum were in the city, both hated everything English. Sinjun was more inclined
to think that Rudy had seen someone who looked like Christy. Yes, she decided, that
was exactly what had happened. For your own sanity should believe that Christy was
not anywhere near London.
A knock on the door Sinjun distracted from his reverie. Pemburton entered their
"Your bath is ready, my lord," she said gravely. Will you require my assistance?
"Just bring me a bottle of brandy," said lie Sinjun headed for the bathroom.
Pemburton raised his eyebrows.
- Before breakfast, my lord?
"You're my brother," murmured Sinjun Pemburton. Thank God he is not here to whip
him with his infernal criticism. Limit yourself to do what I say. I want to be completely
drunk before this evening at the ball of the Dowager Duchess.
Pemburton stretched the spine in a gesture of disapproval and left.
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The wishes of Sinjun fulfilled. When did that night his appearance in the ballroom with
his half-mask and his glittering evening attire, was drunk. Although not as much as he
would have liked.
Sinjun headed straight for the widow and bowed to her taking his hand.
"I was wondering if aparecerais said tartly elegant white-haired lady.
"I promised your grandson," said Sinjun drawled. By the way, where is Rudy?
The widow, a lady very petite and straight that haunted the seventies, he threw a
disapproving look Sinjun.
- Drunk again, Lord Derby? If you do not have much appreciation I get angry. Rudy
will come soon. Aparecerais said tonight, but has more faith in you than me. These
days there is no way of knowing what will Lord Sin. You must learn to control your
excesses, Derby-old woman frowned. I know you a long time and I do not like what is
being said about you.
Sinjun escaped most critical when a couple of masked men came to greet the widow.
He made a short bow and left in a hurry. The old woman's words had aroused deep
anger inside. If it were not for Christy, I would not follow that path of destruction. The
death of his son had caused a vacuum inside, and was doing everything necessary to
forget. That hurt him, hurt him deeply. Christy had not told almost nothing about the
death of her baby. Had she lost a child? Or the baby was a girl?
Sinjun wandered aimlessly through the ballroom to meet anyone with whom she felt
like a conversation, and completely oblivious to the many women who looked
absorbed. Before not too long and was surrounded by a group of beautiful women
eager to get their attention. Despite its absolutely immaculate reputation, women still
find irresistible Lord Sin. Perhaps it was precisely because of that reputation so it was
so popular among the opposite sex. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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