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"Maybe that's why terrorists throw bombs, Taya suggested.  So people will remember their names."
"Yes, that is why terrorists throw bombs, Amcathra agreed.  They have not been taught to respect life.
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How can a man learn to respect life in a city of clockwork castes?"
"You're a philosopher, lieutenant. Taya reached the bottom of the stairs and leaned against a wall,
rubbing her shoulders.  But a grim one."
"I do not understand how a philosopher in this city could be anything but grim. Amcathra paused in the
hallway until the rest of the group joined them.
"'The hawk sees the meadows and streams that lie beyond this dark forest,' Taya quoted, in Demican.
"'Let the sun shine upon the mountains; their peaks remain encased in ice, and my heart, also,'
Amcathra countered in the same language.
"Good one, Taya said with appreciation, reverting to Ondinium.  You win. I haven't read enough
Demican poetry to compete. I just liked that line about the hawk."
"Perhaps an icarus, whose eyes are fixed upon the horizon, cannot be other than optimistic. Those of us
who do not fly so high are not as fortunate. Lt. Amcathra saw that the rest of the group had gathered.
He turned and began pacing down the hall, his blue eyes moving over the walls and floor like one of his
hunter kin.
The programmers murmured as Lars pointed out the marks on the walls outside the prototype engine
room. Isobel handed over her key when Amcathra stopped to inspect the door, and after a moment
scrutinizing the door and frame, the lieutenant unlocked it.
Taya's first impression was of a large, empty room. But then she noticed the marks on the walls and
snips of wire and small screws on the floor. Thick cables ran into the room through a hole in the wall and
ended in a cascade of bare wires.
"We need light, Amcathra said.
"Just a minute. Lars hurried down the hall, then returned with an oil lamp from the other room. In a
moment it was lit and handed over.
"Stay here, Amcathra ordered. He took his time circling the room, crouching often to inspect the floor
before taking another step. Cristof squatted in the doorway, and Taya leaned on her crutches behind him.
The rest of the programmers crammed close, trying to look over their shoulders.
"How much of the room did you search? Cristof asked Lars.
"I didn't search it. All I had to do was glance inside to see that the engine was gone. Why?"
"If you left anything in the room or took anything with you, the lieutenant will want to know."
"Nah. I don't think I even stepped inside. Maybe one or two steps, because I was surprised. But that's
"They packed the engine in straw-filled crates, Amcathra said.  I see nails, splinters of wood, and wisps
of straw. Is that safe for an engine, straw?"
Lars nodded.  Safe enough. Are there any signs of oil?"
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"A few drops, yes."
"They probably wrapped the parts in oiled rags before packing them. That's what I would have done."
"The crates will be a fire risk, Amcathra observed.
The programmers all looked at each other.
"Could a good hound track the scent of the oil? Cristof asked.
"They would have put the crates into a wagon outside, Victor said.  A dog would lose the scent,
"We will still try, Amcathra said. Suddenly he stopped and crouched, holding his lantern close to the
Taya watched, fascinated, as he set the lantern a foot or two away and lay on his stomach, studying the
ground. She'd never seen a grown man so careless of his dignity. On the other hand, she thought, if you
took Janos Amcathra out of his lictor's uniform, wiped away his black stripe, and dressed him in a
Demican hunter's furs and leathers, his behavior would seem absolutely in character. She wondered what
kind of family he'd came from. He'd preserved much of his Demican heritage.
"What color is the hair of Mr. Deuse?"
"Brown, Lars said, after a moment.  Brown hair, blue eyes. About average height and weight."
Taya realized they were talking about Kyle.
"He had a key to this room?"
"Lots of people have brown hair, Isobel protested, even though she, like Amcathra, was Demican
blond.  Just because you find some brown hair doesn't mean Kyle stole the engine."
"Where was Mr. Deuse last night?"
"He left the station with the rest of us."
"Did any of you go home with him?"
A chorus of  no's.
Amcathra stood and began to search the room again, skirting the area he'd just inspected so intently.
"What did you find? Taya asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. He shook his head and kept
At last he walked back, waving everyone away from the door. He closed it and locked it.
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"I will take your keys to this room, please, he said, holding out his hand. One by one, the programmers
slid their keys from rings and cords and laid them on his palm. He dropped them all into his pocket with a
metallic jingle.
"Exalted, icarus, please stay. The rest of you may leave. You will of course remain in Ondinium where
we can find you if we must."
"What did you see in there? Lars asked, repeating Taya's question.
"Clues. The lictor would say nothing more.
"Look, Taya, we'll be at the PT, the big man said, turning to her.  You'll tell us if you learn anything,
won't you?"
"If I can. Taya leaned on her crutch and patted his arm, feeling like a doll next to him.  I'll try, I really
After the team members had left, throwing worried looks over their shoulders as they headed up the
stairs, Cristof turned to Amcathra.
"Kyle helped us figure out what Alister's program was doing. He seemed like an honest man."
"I think Mr. Deuse may have been coerced into assisting the thieves, Amcathra said.  I saw blood and
brown hair on the floor, as might come from a head wound."
Taya drew in a worried breath.  Do you think he's alive?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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