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friends right to them.  Shit.
Punching and clawing got him closer to Conner. Ro was back to back with his man.
Stefan was grabbed from behind and flung backwards, a kick catching him in the ribs. He
howled with pain and saw red, so furious at himself, at the bastards who wouldn t leave him
and his friends alone, at Gideon and Jordan for not wanting him.
Stefan went wild, tearing through the place, a whirlwind of betrayal and rejection.
Years of repressed emotions spilled out of him, splattering his anger on his opponents via his
It built up and spewed over, a volcanic eruption of hate he d carried since he d been
able to think, since he d come to understand he was different. It didn t matter if his physical
WHIRLWIND Bailey Bradford
brain had gone on to wherever and his spirit was normal, he d always felt tainted by his
living form.
No wonder Jordan and Gideon hadn t wanted him. Someone probably had told them
about Stefan s lack of mental acuity when he d lived. They might have just figured out he
was weird on their own, too.
It all hurt, and Stefan was so tired of hurting, tired of covering it all up his insecurities
and doubts, his memories and regrets, all of it. He d had enough of being the bright, happy
sidekick. God damn it, he wanted to hurt the people who had hurt him.
Or so he thought, until he saw Gideon and Jordan, bruised, bleeding he didn t even
wonder on that each man barely standing under the onslaught of attackers. Guilt slammed
into him at the same time that a fist connected with his stomach. Stefan s breath gusted from
his lungs as he doubled over.
He saw the boot coming for his head, someone kicking at him. He threw out one hand,
trying to block the blow. The kick never landed as the man was grabbed and thrown in the
opposite direction.
Gideon, panting, furious, grabbed Stefan under the armpits and yanked him upright.
 Home, Gideon snapped.
Yes, Stefan wanted that too, and he wanted Jordan with them. Every part of him ached,
some parts throbbed and others seemed like they were screaming from pain. Stefan wanted
comfort, he wanted to pretend at least for a while that he mattered to someone as more than
a friend or brother.
He wasn t sure what had happened. His mind was racing with images of Johnny
mocking him, fucking him, killing him, and the crazy sons of bitches from the bar. So many
mean people in his head. Stefan didn t want to remember any of them.
 Shh, sweetheart. It s okay.
Oh God, now I m delusional too. No one spoke to him like that, like he really was special.
 Stefan, open your eyes for me, someone else said. Stefan knew those voices, Gideon s
rougher one first, then Jordan s. He had to be dreaming.
Soft touches to his shoulders and face made him whimper. He wanted to be cared for so
much that the lack of it hurt worse than the physical pain he felt from the fight.
 Come here, Gideon rumbled. Stefan didn t know what he meant and figured Gideon
must be talking to Jordan since Gideon still had an arm around Stefan.
WHIRLWIND Bailey Bradford
But Gideon might not have been talking to Jordan, because the warm, hard length of
Gideon s body was suddenly pressed to Stefan s entire backside. He shivered as Gideon s
breath wafted over the sensitive skin of his neck.
 I have you, Gideon whispered just as another body pushed against Stefan s front.
 Me and Jo, we have you. We re not letting you go until we figure this out.
Stefan didn t have the energy to argue or express his disbelief. There was no point in
doing so anyway. He knew this was all a dream. He d wake up by himself, just like he had
all his life.
* * * *
Jordan knew the instant Conner appeared. The air in the room seemed to grow frigid.
Gideon grunted and Jordan raised his head up to find Conner, looking like he d never even
been in a huge brawl, glowering above them.
 Let him go, Conner snapped, the temperature dropping even more.
 Conner, Ro began, tugging on his arm.  Calm down. All you re going to do is make [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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