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white to him? Was all of this just another business deal? Was she? Did he see her as a
whore? No doubt she had acted like one last night. Laney s mind ran through the worst
scenarios until she felt panicked.
Calm down, Laney. Get it together. Take control.
Yes, she would have to take control of the situation. She would have to protect
herself from getting too involved, too vulnerable. She enjoyed sleeping with Nick.
Really enjoyed it. So why shouldn t she indulge herself? She was on vacation and
should have a little fun. It would help her prepare herself for getting over Rob. So what
if Nick was paying her? That money would help her get ahead of her bills, and a
promotion would be the career boost she had worked her butt off for. She d sleep with
Nick as many times as he wanted her, play the part of his wife and have fun doing it.
And when they were back home, things would go back to the way they were. She would
have to learn to be satisfied with that.
LOVE SCRIPT Tiffany Ashley 85
Telling herself this was the best thing for her, she felt rejuvenated. Feeling
suddenly brave and alive, she pushed back the covers and washed up and changed into a
halter-top and shorts. She felt bold and daring now. Wanting to try her new persona on
Nick, she headed for the gym.
* * * *
When Laney arrived at the fitness center Nick was nowhere to be seen. There
were several people working out, but because of the early hour, the crush had not yet
arrived. She scanned the room again but Nick was clearly not there. Losing her
gumption, she headed for the exit. Just as she was about to enter the corridor she heard
three women giggling.
 I swear he s the only reason I wake up at this ungodly hour. The man is hot!
 If he only knew what he does to me.
 Cindy, you are so bad! I ll give you ten bucks if you ask him his name.
 Oh, no, I couldn t. I m too nervous.
 I ll match Anne s bet if you introduce yourself to him.
Cindy looked at her friends.  Twenty dollars, huh? Okay, I ll do it.
They burst into laughter.
 Cindy, I ll give you an extra ten if you slap him on the butt.
 No, Rita, I think he s married.
 Who cares? She s not here and we re on vacation. Walk on the wild side.
They burst into another fit of laughter.
The women stood across from the men s shower room. Laney couldn t help but
eavesdrop as they gushed over the guy like teenagers. It was quite comical. She figured
it wouldn t hurt to stick around to get a view of their  stud before looking for Nick. It
would take her a while to build up her  bold and daring courage again.
Suddenly she saw Nick. He was walking out of the shower room, freshly
showered, his hair recently gelled and a gym bag slung over his shoulder. He looked
 Here he comes, Cindy!
The women giggled nervously.
 Go for it, Cindy, cheered Anne.
Nick was heading toward the gym exit when the woman stepped boldly in front of
 Hi, I m Cindy. She jutted her ample bosom forward and tossed a mane of red
hair over her shoulder.  Those are my friends, Anne and Rita.
He glanced at the women standing nearby.
 I m not sure if you ve noticed us, she continued,  but we have definitely
noticed you. You work out here every morning.
Nick looked at her friends again and then back to the woman in front of him.
 Yes, I do.
 You re quite impressive. We come here just to see you take off your shirt. Her
friends giggled.  What s your name?
 Nicolas Sinclair, he said hesitatingly.
 Nicolas? she sang.  That s a sexy name.
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He was apparently at a loss for words but his silence soon had reason when he
saw her. Laney approached them, her long strides decisive. With an audaciousness she
hadn t known she possessed, she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him forward to
kiss her, tracing her tongue along his lower lip slowly before releasing him.
 Hi, baby, she murmured in her best seductive voice. She heard Cindy and her
friends gasp in shock. Laney turned to them as if just noticing they were there.  Hello,
I m Laney. She placed her hand on Nick s chest, intentionally wowing the women with
her wedding ring.  Mrs. Laney Sinclair. Are you friends of my Nicky?
Cindy stared at her and abruptly turned on her heels and scurried out of the fitness
center, her friends running after her.
Nick laughed and slapped Laney on the bottom.  You are mean. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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