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astonishment and at the end, embarrassment. She turned and glanced at Greg who met her eyes with a
steady gaze and a calm expression.
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Maybe he hadn't heard Becky. Oh, please, God, please say he hadn't heard her. If she hadn't continued
to stare at him, she would have missed the unholy gleam in his eye and the quick lift of the corner of his
mouth that appeared and disappeared in a blink.
Her whole body flooded with color, completely wrapping around her to advertise her embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, Greg," she began, only to have him interrupt her.
"There's nothing to apologize for. It was an honest mistake that we can quickly set straight."
She squared her shoulders. "You're right. Of course," she said, hoping to sound convincing. She turned
and marched into the house without suggesting that he follow her. When the door closed behind her, she
realized that he was indeed braving this next hurdle.
Of course he would follow her. Any sane person would have known that, but at the moment she was
feeling anything but sane. She'd had some idea of rushing to Aunt Minnie and explaining the error before
Greg reached her aunt. She gave her head a shake. That would have been rude in the extreme, which she
wasn't. As a rule.
Fiona paused in the open doorway of her aunt's drawing room and saw her aunt move slowly toward
the door. Aunt Minnie's arthritis must be acting up, which wouldn't improve her disposition any. Fiona
had known this trip would be a disaster as soon as Greg mentioned it, but she'd had no idea it would
become a farce, as well.
"Fiona!" Minnie said, advancing on her. Minnie was a tall woman, as slender as a reed, with a posture
that would be the envy of any military man. She leaned down and gave Fiona a quick hug and a kiss on
her cheek before her gaze narrowed on the man behind her.
"I don't believe we have met," she said to Greg in her most regal manner. She held out her hand in such a
way as to make it difficult to know whether she expected him to shake it or kiss it. Fiona almost groaned
aloud. He was already being tested before he'd had a chance to speak.
"Aunt Minnie," she rushed in to say, "I would like you to meet "
"Let him speak for himself!" Minnie replied sharply, tapping her cane on the floor for emphasis.
Greg meanwhile took Minnie's hand and, with a grace that startled Fiona, delicately lifted her aunt's
age-spotted hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. "I'm Gregory Dumas, Miss MacDonald," he
said in a distinctively formal way. "I am honored to meet you."
Minnie jerked her hand away as though she'd been burned. "You're an American! What is the world
coming to?" She spun on her heel and glared at Fiona. "It was bad enough that you insisted on removing
yourself to that desolate area but I will not tolerate the idea of you moving toAmerica. Do you hear me?"
"Aunt Minnie," Fiona said, her heart racing until she wondered if she were on the verge of a stroke. "You
don't understand. I "
"Of course I understand! I'm not an idiot nor am I some naive female who is easily appeased by
falsehoods. I can certainly see how you might fall for the man. The way you keep yourself tucked out of
sight, it's a wonder he ever found you at all. But a foreigner! How could you consider such a thing,
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Greg exploded into laughter, a rich baritone that rolled off the walls of the room in waves. Fiona stared
at him in astonishment. So did Minnie.
He started to speak, then looked at the two women staring at him with their jaws dropped and
continued to laugh. It was obvious he was attempting to control himself. He would pause and start to
speak only to start laughing again.
Minnie turned to Fiona. "Whatis the matter with the man? Is he daft?"
Fiona lifted her shoulders and spread her hands, which, for some reason, encouraged Greg's laughter.
"I'm so sorry," he finally managed to say, gasping. He pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket and
mopped his face and eyes. "I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that " he paused to swallow a chuckle
" I feel as though I walked into the middle of a farce with no idea what my lines are supposed to be."
Strange that he would also see the farcical qualities of the meeting, Fiona thought. She wondered if Greg
had any idea how attractive he was when he laughed.
She smiled at him. "Actually, I was thinking the same thing." She shared a grin with Greg.
"I do wish you would tell me what's going on here," Minnie said in a voice that could have just as easily
said, "Off with his head!" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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