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sale and he d take her away from Flint.
 It will just be Iron? No one else will be here?
 Just Iron and I won t allow him to use your body.
 So he ll be in the room with us?
Flint nodded.  He might ask questions. Iron is very curious.
 Isn t sex with me just like sex with a cyborg woman or a pleasure worker?
 No. You re more fragile. He doesn t want to damage his female.
 Well, you figured it out. Can t he just figure it out too?
Flint hesitated.  I am unique in the fact that I worked with humans. I have dealt a
lot with sympathizers to our causes who help smuggle things to us from Earth. I made
human male friends and had many conversations with them about sex when a few of
the human females were interested in sex with me. I didn t have to seduce them and
make them want me as Iron will have to do with his slave. He s interested in making a
family unit with her as well. She is resistant to him so he wants to learn about how to
seduce a human woman to pleasure her so his slave wants him.
 So I m going to be a show-and-tell on how to turn on a human woman? Is that the
sum of it?
Flint nodded.  It was the condition he gave me to release you from our deal of sale.
It is your choice, Mira. I won t force you.
She studied him.  Isn t that the point though? This woman is unwilling and he
wants to seduce her? You could seduce me. You have.
His eyes narrowed.  I see. You are agreeing, but you want to do this without saying
the words aloud, as if you are unwilling.
She swallowed and repeated,  You could seduce me. All I ask is that you blindfold
She saw shock hit his features.  Why?
 I would be really uncomfortable looking at him, knowing he was watching you
touch me. Do you swear you won t let him use me?
 I swear to you that no man but me will take you. I d fight him if he tried to possess
you. You are mine, Mira.
She stared into his eyes.  I trust you. I need to be blindfolded so I can pretend it is
just us.
Burning Up Flint
Flint nodded.  Whatever makes it easier for you will make it easier on me. He
went to his drawers where he removed a few items. He tucked them under his arm.
 Let s go.
She paled.  Now?
 Now. He is impatient to touch his new acquisition.
She was nervous.  Okay. She walked closer to Flint and gaze up at him.  I guess
this is a small price to pay.
 You will be blindfolded. I have no shield to hide behind and I really am private
about my matters.
She blushed.  So am I.
He gripped her arm.  Let s go. He s waiting.
 Where are we going?
She let Flint lead her out of the room to head away from the lift.  There is a room
down the hall that isn t in use at the moment. I didn t want him in our room and he has
his human female tied to his bed.
Flint stopped in front of a door to press his hand to the scanner. The doors slid open
and Mira saw that Iron was already in the room. The man was leaning against a wall.
He eyed Mira with then his cool look shifted to Flint.
 Are you returning her to me or is she willing?
 She s willing but she wants to be blindfolded so she doesn t have to be aware of
you watching her.
Iron grinned, looking highly amused as he met Mira s eyes, arching his eyebrow at
her.  Really?
Flint released Mira and pointed to the bed.  Strip and get on your back.
Mira s face flushed as she looked at the bed, which wasn t like Flint s. This was just
a metal single-size cot, though it was longer than a standard-size Earth one. Cyborgs
were tall. She kept her back to Iron as she stripped quickly. She was really embarrassed
because she knew he could see her ass. A hand gripped her arm and she gasped, her
head jerking around, as she covered her breasts with her hands.
Flint met her eyes and arched an eyebrow at her.  You re a little jumpy. I told you
that I m the only one who will possess you.
 You startled me. I didn t hear you come up behind me.
 I don t have a blindfold but I brought a belt I use for sparring. Ready?
He released her. He showed Mira the belt a soft cloth at least four inches wide. He
placed it over her eyes. The belt went from the tip of her nose to her forehead. He tied it
carefully before turning her to face him.
She was mostly blind. She could see a tiny bit of light peeking in if she looked down
her nose where the belt didn t totally cover since Flint had been careful to not block her
nose completely so she could breathe. She realized she faced Iron as well. The blindfold
Laurann Dohner
helped her not feel completely embarrassed that Iron was looking at her body. She
decided to shut her eyes tightly and kept them that way.
Flint gripped her gently and eased her down on the cot. His big hands guided her
until she was lying flat on her back on the soft mattress.  I m going to tie her down,
Flint said softly.  Your human doesn t want you to touch her so we ll simulate this
accurately. Flint released Mira. Seconds later his large hand curled around her arm.
 Easy, Mira. You look damn tense. I m going to bind your arms above you. Your
wrists are still injured so I m going to bind you above the elbows. It s just me touching
you as we discussed.
She nodded, forcing herself to relax as much as possible. She was naked on her back
on the cot as Flint bound each of her arms. He secured them together so she was palm
to palm and the binding ran from just above her elbows to just under them. Flint
released her, giving the binding an experimental tug. Her arms wouldn t come down
and they wouldn t move more than a few inches. She tugged harder, realizing she
wasn t going to get free.
 Using a cot like this will be preferable to your bed. You might want to grab one of
these from supply to take to your room. Flint spoke softly.
 Why? Iron s voice sounded huskier than usual.
 The bars are perfect to restrain a woman. Let me undress and I ll show you what [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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