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the meantime, I'll show the boys the other exit from the office."
On the flight home, the Hardys talked quietly about their narrow escape.
"If Dad had seen us coming out of that office, he'd have skinned us alive," Joe said.
Frank nodded. "It's just lucky that we heard him before he saw us."
"He didn't seem happy," Joe went on. "Maybe his investigation isn't coming along too
"No better than ours, I guess." Frank closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.
"Well, Dad's got a tighter schedule than we have, Frank. He can't stay undercover
forever. There's that big Walker rally at the mall. He's the head of security. He'll have to
be there."
Frank's eyes snapped open. "What idiots we've been," he said, breathing hard.
"What?" Joe said.
"A bombing at the mall. What connection does it have to Iola? Why was she at the mall?"
Frank turned to his brother, who was staring at him doubtfully.
"Joe, what do we know about this Al-Rousasa?"
"He's an Assassin. A heavy hitter never misses."
"Besides that," Frank said. "Remember what that guy we caught told us."
Joe pulled his brows together as he thought.
"He was supposed to be in America to run a big terror campaign.
"And?" Frank prompted.
"And what?"
"That campaign had its timing thrown off by a special job." Frank shook his head. "Don't you
"See what?"
"Iola-all of us-were at the mall for a dress rehearsal of Philip Walker's appearance this Saturday.
Suppose that bomb in our car was a dress rehearsal, too. Suppose Al-Rousasa was practicing how
he'd assassinate Philip Walker!"
Chapter 11
FRANK HARDY'S FIRST question on landing at the airport was, "Where's the phone?"
Joe stared in surprise. "Phone? I thought we were going to get right in the car and . ..
"Right," Frank said. "No car."
Joe jingled the change in his pockets. "And not enough money for a cab."
Frank led the way to a pay phone. "I'm going to see if I can get hold of Callie. She'll
give us a lift. And then our first stop is the police station."
Frank made the call; then he and Joe waited for Callie. Frank looked impatiently at his
watch until Callie's green Nova finally pulled up. "Frank! Joe!" she called. "Where have
you guys been? I've been trying to call-"
Frank gave her a quick kiss. "I can't explain right now, but we've got to get to the
police station.
Callie's dark eyes narrowed in concern when she heard their destination. "We're going
to be cutting it mighty close," she said as they got in. "The day shift ends right now."
The street in front of the station was jammed with patrol cars. "Looks like the changing
of the guard," Prank said as Callie pulled up at the corner.
He and Joe piled out. "Let's just hope the people we've got to see haven't left yet. .
They ran through the big double doors and across the corridor to the desk officer.
"Excuse me," Prank said. "I'd like to talk to whoever is handling the security for
Saturday's rally at the mall.
The man behind the desk was a stranger. "Look, boys, right now isn't the best time--"
Behind him a door opened, and Con Riley stepped out, dressed in street clothes. "Hi,
boys," he said when he noticed Prank and Joe. Seeing the frustrated look on their faces,
he turned to the man behind the desk. "Aw, stop giving them a hard time, Jerry. I know
these guys."
"They want to see the man in charge of security for the mall rally," Jerry told Con.
"Oh. I'll take 'em." Con's face was unreadable as he led the Hardys into the Detective
Division-and over to the door marked S. BUTLER.
"Oh, no," Joe moaned.
"He's in charge of security?" Prank said.
"Well, it's his specialty," Con replied. "He ran the detail that guarded the United
Nations in New York." He rushed on. "He's a tough cop, but a good one. He-"
"Does anyone here like him?" Joe asked. "He's a good cop-" Riley began again. "That's
not what I asked." Joe looked Con in the eye.
Con looked back. "No," he answered finally. "Most of us think he's a real pain in the-"
The door opened, and Butler stepped out. "What's all the noise out here?" He stopped
when he saw Frank and Joe. "Oh. It's you two. Have a nice vacation, boys?" Although his
poker face was still in place, Butler's voice dripped sarcasm.
"Inspector, we've got to talk with you." Frank stepped forward. Con Riley instantly
took the opportunity to fade back.
"I can't tell you how honored I am that you decided to drop by," Butler said, cutting
Frank off. His shook his finger, nearly jabbing Frank's face. "I told you not to leave town.
And what's the first thing you do? Pull strings and disappear. Maybe some of the dumb
hicks around here will take that, but not a real cop."
Butler grabbed Frank by the arm and pulled him into his office. "You too, bright eyes,"
he said to Joe.
Frank spun out of Butler's grip as soon as they were in the office. "Inspector, you're
security for the rally on Saturday. We think someone's going to try to kill Philip Walker
"Oh, you do?" Butler's tone was frankly mocking. "Do you know who?"
"An international terrorist organization called the Assassins. They've sent one of their
best men, Al-Rousasa, over here to run a series of terror attacks in American cities. But
he was switched to a special project-right after Philip Walker began talking about
fighting terrorists." Frank looked at Butler, who had walked to his desk and leaned
against it.
The inspector's arms were crossed over his chest, and his face gave nothing away. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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