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mind though, and tried to project again with one near-success.
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I gained at least one good thing from this experience, and that is the knowledge of the
proper state of mind conducive to astral projection. I wonder what causes this state of mind
and body, and plan to read some books on sleep and the causes and effects of certain types
of sleep. I slept very deeply. My body was stiff and I couldn't feel it until I moved it and
stretched. My mind was almost entranced. I was in a staring mood and found concentrating
very easy. It was very easy to focus my mind on one thought. It was semi-easy to visualize. I
probably ruined my chance to project again when I moved my body and broke its stiffness.
11/08/81 Sun - OBE #55
...[During the experience] my consciousness was again very clear and concise, but I was still
very sleepy. I thought about doing some experimenting. Then I decided to follow my
original plan of action: walk out of my house normally but as fast as I could, and then try to
fly to LD's house. I thought of some parts of a song, and then I realized it [was typical
in-the-body thinking] and made a mental note to myself to remember that my thought
patterns are the same there as they are on Earth....
Here is another example of logical thinking during an OBE. Notice the use of logical deduction during
this OBE:
06/09/82 Wed - OBE #75
...This morning at 6:00am I was dreaming happily. In one dream, I was outside my
bedroom, and I looked in through the window. I saw something that frightened me, and put
me in a state of awe. I don't remember what I saw, but I also thought I saw a blinding white
light shining through my window. It seemed to be alive. The brightness didn't hurt my eyes.
The white rays of light coming into my bedroom were like little beautiful fingers reaching
out. At the sight of this (in a dream still) I let myself fall backward until I was on my back.
The falling was very gentle, and I landed softly, weightlessly. I floated there for a few
seconds, and the dream changed. I had a deep level of awareness that told me that the
dreams were all very important lessons, and I must watch them all. I don't remember any of
the dreams now. This dream of projecting happened in the middle of the series of dreams I
had to witness.
When the dreams were through, a certain part of me expressed an interest in the projection
part. I wanted to do that dream over. So I saw myself outside my room again. I turned and
looked again. Then I saw the sight in the window again. I fell over backward again. But this
time, when I landed on my back, I woke up. I was still in a weird state of consciousness, but
I wasn't exactly dreaming. I had conscious control so I levitated myself until I was lying at a
slant outside my bedroom. My body was rigid. I was looking west and my torso was parallel
to my bedroom. I thought about how easy it was to levitate. I also noticed that the state I was
in seemed somehow different from normal projection. I thought, "Wow! This is neat! I
wonder if it is really a projection; it feels so different." To test my theory, I bent my right
arm and put my right hand in front of my face. My logic was this: If I could see through my
hand it was probably a normal projection, but if I couldn't see through it, it was probably
different. I fully expected to be able to see through my hand. But when I reached my hand
out in front of me, I could not see through it. It seemed (looked) solid. I thought, "Boy, that's
strange! What else could it be then? I suppose that really isn't a good test. I could still be
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projecting." Then I started thinking about something else. Then I was frightened half to
death when I heard my alarm clock go off. I was violently pulled back inside my body, and I
came to with a jolt. My heart was pounding wildly from the fright.
Are emotions any different while out of the body? Usually, my emotions are normal during OBEs. Even
my sense of humor isn't lost during my OBEs. However, I had the following experience during which I
was very emotional. I even became hysterical, for no apparent reason:
01/30/82 Sat - OBE #62
Last night I stayed up until 12:30am watching a late movie, and then I did some stretching
until 1:00am or 1:30am. I woke up early this morning and went back to sleep. After a while
I seemed to feel a tingling sensation, and I came to full consciousness. I knew I was about to
project, and I was aware of the vibrations at a certain level of consciousness. So I made a
quick movement, and I sat up [astrally] wondering what I should do. Then I suddenly was
overcome with thoughts of my father who had died 17 days ago. I cried, "Daddy!" hoping to
see him on the astral plane. I was about two feet above my body, and I was mostly not
seeing, but mind-sensing. I relaxed to a semi-reclined position in midair. I looked up in the
corner of my bedroom where I had thought I'd seen some movements. I was very emotional
for some reason, and it was almost a panic state. I became hysterical soon, and I reached my
arms out in front of me, hoping that my father or someone would take my hands and help
me away from my body. But I couldn't stand it. It hadn't even been one second of time
[later], when I became completely hysterical, and I SCREAMED, "DADDY!" as loud as I
possibly could, and with as much emotion as I have ever known in my life.
The last thing I remember was that I looked hopelessly into the astral fog. Then I blacked
out very completely and very deeply. The next thing I knew I was dreaming, two or more
hours later. I have absolutely no memory of what happened between the time I blacked out,
and started dreaming.
It completely baffles me why I was so emotional, so hysterical during this experience. And I
was impatient. Usually when I project I stay calm. But this time was just the opposite. I just
don't understand. All I can do is to explain my actual emotions during the experience. I
somehow wanted frantically for him to come to me, take my hands, help me away from my
body, and cradle me, and make me his child. I somehow couldn't wait, even a few seconds, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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