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"Is that a carrying globe?" Luciano's eyes saucered as he accepted it.
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Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
"Yup, put the whole store in your pocket. Then head for
Red Wolff. Yuwenghau are making a stand there. We're gonna protect the last
descendant of Dawnhand."
"Oh, My Lady. Thank you. Where shall I meet you?"
"Wolffgard. I'll be there no later than the equinox. Open a store there and
I'll find you."
"I'll leave tonight."
"Good mon. If the lycans contest your presence, just ask for Pandeena and tell
her I sent you."
"Which name shall I give her?"
"Dyna. She knows all my faces."
Dynanna stalked toward the door.
"Wait, My Lady..."
She flicked her hair back as she turned to look at Luciano.
"Several things actually. You told me to gather gossip and
I have. Padruig Caimbeul has left Running Horse. He's in
Wolffgard. Todd Sinclair for eighty years the sa'necari believed him slain at
Kinsdale Wood he's alive and in
Wolffgard. He has a grandson, Kynyr Maguire, possibly the greatest swordsmon
the lycans have produced in over two hundred years." Luciano's eyes narrowed.
"So the Butchering
Serpent's cowardly myn shot him with poisoned arrows. They don't know yet if
Maguire will survive."
Dynanna's features went still. "Sinclair, Caimbeul, and the last descendant of
Dawnhand ... all in Wolffgard at the same time. Hmmn." She sucked her left
cheek in and thought for a moment. "Can Lokynen be far behind?"
"The Battle-Master?"
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
"Yeah, that one. He was Todd's first mentor. Small world."
A cheeky grin spread across the Trickster's face. "Looks like I
got me a new bag of trouble to play with and I'm going to make good use of it.
She snapped her fingers and a tall staff appeared in her hands. She gave it to
Luciano. "You're going to need this."
Luciano's eyes saucered. "But that's ... that's Sunrise."
"Yeah, I know. It has just been sitting in my hoard for the past five hundred
years gathering dust. Take good care of it."
"I thought the Obsidian Dragon had it..."
Dynanna chuckled. "The dragon came down with a bad case of hives and while he
was busy scratching his itch I stole half his hoard. Last I heard, the old
bugger was still scratching. His wings are in tatters and he's got a bad case
of nervous exhaustion."
Luciano burst out laughing and hugged the staff. "I'll take good care of it,
My Lady."
"I bet you will. Be sure to tell any of the Faithful you encounter on the way
to Wolffgard that I'll be there soon and
I'm opening my armories."
Dynanna strode out to the wagons and gestured at the children riding on hers.
"Bodi, I got a mission for you and
Bodi jumped down and ran over to her. "A mission! I got a mission."
He paraded around her in small circles, grinning.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Lilac gathered her skirts, climbed carefully to the ground, and joined them.
She patted her pouches and smiled at the jingling coins. "What's the mission?"
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
"Spies," Dynanna hissed. "And a delivery. I heard that a friend of yours is in
Wolffgard. Todd Sinclair. He's gonna need the stuff in the orange chest."
"Funsies!" Lilac squealed.
"You gonna loan us a carry ball?" Bodi stopped parading and looked up at her.
"Can't. I loaned my spare to Luciano. You'll have to carry it."
Bodi wiggled his eyebrows. "It's heavy."
Dynanna nodded. "Pieface, you get them to Wolffgard.
Take Sugar Maple along to help carry it. Once the delivery is made, I want you
and Sugar Maple back on the wagons, pronto."
"Gotcha." Pieface snapped his fingers, his powers swirled around the four
children in shades of red and rose. Then they all vanished.
* * * *
Kady settled into the chair by the bed, dipped a cloth into a basin of cool
water, and bathed Kynyr's sweat-drenched face.
Kynyr moaned. His eyes opened, staring out into dimly lit room. "Promised Kady
... I..."
"I'm here." She continued to dip the cloth into the water, squeeze it out, and
then stroke his face with it. "Kynyr, I'm here."
"Promised Kady ... I would..." He clenched his eyes shut; a grimace tightened
his features as his body spasmed.
"Promised ... promised ... beat Cormic..."
Fireborn Law [Lycan Blood Vol. II]
by Janrae Frank
She tilted and inclined her head, lips parted in concern.
"Kynyr, look at me. I'm here. It's Kady."
"I found her ... Leeny."
"I'm not Leeny, I'm Kady. Please, Kynyr." Emotions rippled through Kady
striking her heart like riffles in the stream
fear, desperation, and despair making her voice tremble.
"Please, Kynyr..."
"Leeny ... she's ... beautiful." His words broke off in another shuddering
"Who's Leeny?"
"His sister. Kathleen." Cahira had slipped into the room so quietly that Kady
had not known she was there until she spoke. "Kynyr and Kathleen were very
close as children. Even though she was older by two years, Kynyr was always
fiercely protective of her. She was born with a cleft palate. It took me years
to fix it."
While she spoke, Cahira filled dosing glasses with poppy milk, Holadil, and
Pandeena's elixir called Idyn Gold. "Leeny couldn't say certain words for many
years. One of them was her name. The letter K gave her a lot of trouble. She
could not say 'brother' properly either. Brother became Brubs and she still
calls him that. Kathleen became Leeny for the same reason. Lift him up, Kady,
so I can try to get the medicines into him."
Kady moved from the chair to the side of the bed and cradled Kynyr, supporting
his head.
In fits and starts, Cahira filled Kynyr's mouth with the medicine and stroked
his throat to make him swallow. To
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