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fangs, in the first taste of her blood flowing down his throat.
Finally awakened by the rush of euphoric released into her
bloodstream along with his fangs, Cyn moaned softly,
whispering his name. "Raphael." She reached back to caress
him, holding his head against her neck as he fed.
He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger,
palming her breast in a gentle embrace before stroking his
hand down across her flat belly to the velvety smooth skin
between her legs. The tiny bit of lace she'd worn in a
halfhearted attempt to dissuade him tore easily and he
shoved it out of his way, pushing it down to lay tangled
against one thigh. He changed his attack then, slipping his
fingers into her from behind, feeling the shiver race along her
skin as he slid them in and out until she was wet and ready
for him.
But Cyn didn't wait for him to take the initiative. She lifted
her thigh forward in invitation, spreading her legs and
pressing her ass against him, eager for the feel of his cock
inside her. She whispered his name again, but full of need
this time, a demand rather than a caress, her slender fingers
reaching back to grasp his cock, rousing him to an even
greater hunger.
Raphael brushed her hand aside, taking hold of his shaft
and positioning it at the very entrance to her plush, heated
by D. B. Reynolds
core, sliding forward until he was just inside her, feeling the
grip of her inner walls as she flexed against him, trying to
draw him deeper.
Cyn groaned a protest, stirring fitfully within his arms,
trying to force the pace of their lovemaking.
Raphael chuckled deep in his chest, the vibration traveling
along his fangs, still buried in her neck, and making her
shudder with renewed desire. He took his time, no longer
drawing on her blood, but holding her motionless with his
bite, placing his hand over her abdomen and holding her still
there as well, as he teased her, sliding his cock an inch into
her wetness and then out again, never leaving her
completely, but never filling her either.
"Raphael, please," she whispered.
He lifted his head and growled in response, plunging into
her with a long, powerful thrust, slamming deep inside her
and out again, only to do it once more. Her inner walls
clenched around him so tightly it was almost difficult to force
his way through when she climaxed, her cries filling his ears
with sweet sound, her fingers tightening in his hair and
holding him close. Her orgasm finally diminished, becoming
no more than a trembling of her limbs, the random
convulsions of her womb rippling down and around his cock
as he continued to pound into her, knowing the ecstasy of his
bite was still raging in her body and she would not rest for
He slid his fingers over her abdomen and deep into her
slick folds once more, spreading the swollen lips of her pussy
and baring the eager nub of her clit, suffused with blood and
by D. B. Reynolds
hard as a pearl. He began circling it, gliding over its sensitive
surface and away until she was thrusting against his hand in
time with his cock, making soft, mewling noises as she sought
her release yet again.
His fingers closed on her clit, squeezing softly, rubbing his
thumb where it swelled eagerly begging for attention. "Oh,
Jesus," she whispered. Her abdomen clenched first, and then
her entire body spasmed against him. He held her tightly as
the second orgasm took her and she screamed his name.
Deep inside her, his cock surged in response to her
orgasm, his release boiling from his balls, racing down his
cock and splashing out to fill her, marking her, claiming her
as his, inside and out.
"You cheat," she muttered, when she had finally stopping
shaking, when he'd covered her sweat cooled body with the
blankets and kissed away the tears of her overwrought
"I was hungry," he offered.
"Bullshit. You were horny."
"That, too," he chuckled. "But only for you, lubimaya."
She breathed deeply, snuggling back against him and
holding his hand between her breasts, burrowing deeper into
his embrace. "I love you, you know," she murmured, already
half asleep.
"I know," he said, feeling the sun's burning heat emerge
over the horizon. "I love you, too, my Cyn."
He fought as the sun began its journey into the morning
sky, wanting to warn her of what he'd learned in Vancouver.
To remind her that the killers had been set on their path by
by D. B. Reynolds
Lucien, that they were targeting those most important to
Raphael. And no one was more important to Raphael than
Cyn. But the sunrise stole his words and fear chased him into
[Back to Table of Contents]
by D. B. Reynolds
Chapter Twenty-One
2000, Central America
Colin strolled down the dark, narrow street, the cobbles
hard and uneven beneath the sandals he wore to blend in.
The sun had set hours ago, and they weren't much on street
lights in these parts. The brilliant colors of the walls rising
around him were mostly muted by the darkness, with the
occasional ribbon of color in the light of a doorway or window.
People crowded the streets around him, taking advantage of
the slightly cooler evening air. The daytime temperatures
were intense around here. Even he found it hot and he'd
grown up in south Georgia where if the heat didn't kill you,
the humidity would.
But he was feeling good tonight. Better than good, he felt
great. Young, strong and healthy, an alpha male in his prime
on his way to meet the most beautiful woman he'd ever met.
But Sophie wasn't just beautiful, she was sexy and
mysterious and smart, too. Just about everything Colin had
ever wanted in a woman wrapped up in a delicious package
that curved and swelled in all the right places. He picked up
his pace, eager to get to the cafe where he knew she was
waiting for him.
"Yo, Murphy." His buddy, Garry McWaters, grabbed his
arm. "Slow it down there, stud. The lady will wait. Let's not
call attention, all right?"
"Yeah, sorry," Colin said, somewhat sheepishly. "It's these
hot nights. They always get to me."
by D. B. Reynolds
"Reminds you of high school, huh? All those sweet, little
Southern girls just dying to drop their panties for the football
Colin laughed. He was only six years younger than Garry,
but in the SEALS that made a world of difference.
"Not as many panties dropped as you think, Mac," he said,
using McWaters nickname. "Most of the girls in my hometown
were holding out for a ring, just like their mommas taught
"You keep talking, Murphy. Somebody'll buy it. Here we
They rounded the last corner, bringing the cafe into sight
across the public square. Despite the open space, the weekly
marketplace was set up and if anything, the crowds were
thicker here. He and Mac slowed even further. No one hurried
in this town, and, like Mac said, they didn't want to call
attention to themselves. They weren't supposed to be here.
Hell, they weren't here. Not officially. Only a couple more
days and they'd be gone for real. Back to the States. For
awhile anyway.
Which was why it was so important he talk to Sophie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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