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 I m in your way. The starlight faded from her eyes.
 Damn it, Sarah. He clasped her shoulders.  Don t put it
like that.
 You don t want to get married.
He stayed silent this time.
She looked at the ring in her hand, then pressed it into his
palm and folded his fingers over it.  I ll make this easier for
you. We re not getting married. Go to Los Angeles and follow
your dreams. Mine are in Vista del Mar.
She leaned across the seat and pressed her lips to his, hold-
ing, not moving, her eyes squeezed shut and a single tear
escaping.  I m going to get out of the car now and I do not
want you to follow me. I m going to call my grandmother for
a ride. And I mean it. I don t want to see you again. I can t.
Goodbye, Rafe.
She slipped out of the car and into the wedding chapel.
Relief jockeyed with regret in his gut. He didn t follow her
inside, but he would wait around just out of sight to make sure
her grandmother arrived safely. After that, he was leaving for
Los Angeles. He had five hundred bucks saved up.
This wasn t goodbye, damn it. He would be back for her,
once he made enough money to give her a safer, more secure
life. She wouldn t have to wait long. Just three years, four at
the most until he could work while going to night school. He
wouldn t last longer than that without her anyway.
catherine mann
And God forbid some other guy try to step into his place.
Because he would be back. And when he returned, he would
claim Sarah as his wife.
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